Seeking advice on where/how to sell all my stuff as a single package.
The jig side of the business has been doing well and keeping me as busy as I want to be. Friends and some local pros pressure me to continue making soft plastics, but I would rather be rid of it all. I haven’t cataloged all the molds but will be doing that soon. Willing to make a heavily discounted deal for comprehensive sale of it all, picked up very near Mountain Home, Arkansas.
If someone is wanting everything needed for a business, producing & selling soft plastic baits, it is an opportunity to get it all on the cheap.
I'm not sure the classified section on this forum is suited for this.
I have a shop that is equipped with:
Two (2) Dual color Shooting Stars (a large and small), compressor,
Three (3) pneumatic mold vices (each holding a dozen molds),
A commercial grade (restaurant-grade) hood vent,
Two (2) large microwaves,
Presto Pots with mixers,
One Hundred Fifty-Two (152) aluminum multi-lure injection molds (BTS, Bears, Dels, etc).
Many dozens of open pour molds (aluminum & silicone), several dozen “Ukrainian” plastic injection molds,
8 to 10 injectors (including dual) nozzles, dozens of aluminum sprue extenders,
A re-grind machine,
An unimaginable amount of tint, glitters, hi-lites, and powders,
3 gallon cooler with spigot (to mix raw plasitol),
lure drying rack system,
Twelve (12 gallons of Plasitol,
finished-lure bags & containers,
and all accoutrements needed for a soft plastics bait business.
Also included is complete air-brushing set up (equipment,booth, and materials)
Your thought, as always, are most welcome.