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Everything posted by Painter1

  1. I’m starting again on a small scale, planning to make 4” worms, 2.75” “McMinnows”, and 3” grubs. I’m thinking Soft? The lake I fish has very clear water with 15’ to 20’ visibility, so my goal is natural look. Recommendations are most welcome.
  2. I’m in the same boat with 6 old gallons. Wondering HOW to dispose of it?
  3. I’m wanting to put set a couple hooks into an open pour worm. What line to use for this?
  4. Thanks for your help. I will try those FB groups
  5. If you want to blend “effects”, such as a color ribbon that is poured by hand into the opened mold before sealing it and injecting, having the Hotplate allows you to leave the mold on it so the “effects” blend in well.
  6. Seeking advice on where/how to sell all my stuff as a single package. The jig side of the business has been doing well and keeping me as busy as I want to be. Friends and some local pros pressure me to continue making soft plastics, but I would rather be rid of it all. I haven’t cataloged all the molds but will be doing that soon. Willing to make a heavily discounted deal for comprehensive sale of it all, picked up very near Mountain Home, Arkansas. If someone is wanting everything needed for a business, producing & selling soft plastic baits, it is an opportunity to get it all on the cheap. I'm not sure the classified section on this forum is suited for this. ABSOLUTELY NOT INTERESTED IN SELLING SEPARATELY. I have a shop that is equipped with: Two (2) Dual color Shooting Stars (a large and small), compressor, Three (3) pneumatic mold vices (each holding a dozen molds), A commercial grade (restaurant-grade) hood vent, Two (2) large microwaves, Presto Pots with mixers, One Hundred Fifty-Two (152) aluminum multi-lure injection molds (BTS, Bears, Dels, etc). Many dozens of open pour molds (aluminum & silicone), several dozen “Ukrainian” plastic injection molds, 8 to 10 injectors (including dual) nozzles, dozens of aluminum sprue extenders, A re-grind machine, An unimaginable amount of tint, glitters, hi-lites, and powders, 3 gallon cooler with spigot (to mix raw plasitol), lure drying rack system, Twelve (12 gallons of Plasitol, finished-lure bags & containers, and all accoutrements needed for a soft plastics bait business. Also included is complete air-brushing set up (equipment,booth, and materials) ABSOLUTELY NOT INTERESTED IN SELLING SEPARATELY. Your thought, as always, are most welcome.
  7. Does anyone make a mold for a bait similar to the Damiki Armor Shad?
  8. I’m working with 3 color hand pours and need to keep the cups of plasitol hot & pourable for about 30 minutes. I recall seeing someone’s (maybe Frank) mold made, and formed atop the Hotplate with cavities that fit the cups. How to do that, how well that works and other solutions for keeping 3 separate colors hot enough to pour well are most welcome.
  9. Getting the colors exactly right for each jig is the purpose.
  10. Moved to a different place and had all my shop stuff in storage for several years. I’ve got it all unpacked but missing some parts. I don’t remember what is needed to connect air to the vice. Would welcome the help.
  11. Very familiar with the Excise Taxes & Sales taxes due for retail sales. Mostly wondering if adding soft plastic trailers to a successful jig line would be wise. Pro: Convenient to have craw that matches jig skirt Con: There are so many choices for trailers
  12. I got into this hobby and really went whole hog. Eventually it led to a jig company - 5 fish lures - with some Ozark area pros involvement. I’m now considering adding soft plastic baits to what we offer our stores in the area. While I refuse to be making baits when I could be fishing, it’s possible for me to make a bunch in the winter. I’m seeing bait shop plastic selling at about $.50 per piece. I estimate being able to produce at 10 to 12 cents each, not including labor. I don’t include it because I like doing it. Some of you have been suppliers. I would welcome your thoughts
  13. Thanks for that tip on details for transparency vs opaque
  14. Great looking baits ! Do you mind telling what mold that is and how you rig & fish it?
  15. I have done the math very recently to get an average cost across the variety baits I make, including Swim Baits, Craws, Centipedes, & Soft Stickbaits. That number is $.09 per bait, all in. Obviously smaller could be less and larger more, but colorant, salt, softener, glitter, hi-light powder, and other additives can also shorten that gap. To get true “total cost” one needs to capitalize & deprecate molds, heaters, injectors, scents/oils, packaging & labels, and energy costs. Determining these actual ancillary cost is tricky. For instance: it’s possible to get X number of baits per jar of glitter, or per injector. But you may not use those to their limit. I hope this is helpful, or at least, food for thought.
  16. 260 “trick” worms without any remelt & 400 with the remelts
  17. That was excellent. Thank you, Sir.
  18. Has anyone done the math lately to calculate Plasitol costs per standard 5” Senko style stickbait? I’m using the stickbait as a baseline and don’t know how many can be produced per gallon. If able to know that information it’s easy to divide by the material cost. I’m sure production quantities fall into a range depending on how efficient one is remelting sprues. Thank you
  19. Thank you, Sir ! Just what I’m looking for
  20. I’m looking for a mold to make narrow (0.5”) and short (1.5”) chunk trailers. Help is most welcome
  21. Thanks for sharing. That looks great. I fish a clear water Ozark reservoir and a bait like that might be just right for big Fall bass. Do you attach the twister tail to the stinger hook? In what way do you bend the blades?
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