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Everything posted by Painter1

  1. I would love to learn from what you have done. I’m retired but worked with engineers and learned so many fascinating things. It was often the best part of my job.
  2. Drop them in very hot water. They become pliable
  3. Painter1


    Does Acetone dissolve soft plastic? I’m setting up my shop again and my shooting star system. I’m sure everything needs a very good cleaning and lube as required. I have access to acetone so wondering if it would work.
  4. I watched Craigslist and picked up a used commercial kitchen range hood, mounted it & vented it through the wall, with a louver against siding. 3 lights on it and it does a great job.
  5. Great idea. Adding a couple small bolts, nuts or washer helps
  6. Thank you, Gentlemen. I don’t know what to pour the material back into after mixing in a 5 gallon bucket. I’ll try the coat hanger.
  7. Painter1


    Hi, guys! I’m making some striper jigs for some friends & family on east coast - 6 to 8 of them 1/2 oz & 3/4 oz. What do you recommend for economical shipping?
  8. I have multiple gallon jugs of plasitol that have been sitting and are completely separated. I was thinking of getting a paint shaker but see 2 problems with that idea. 1) air bubbles. 2) modifying the shaker clamps to hold a plastic jug. Has anyone solved these problems with a shaker? I have a rod attached to drill with cable ties on the rod at intervals but it doesn’t scrape the very bottom of the jug and it’s a PIA to hold a drill for 20 minutes barely pulling the trigger. is there some tool out there that will help me slow stir without having to hold the drill in hand during the process?
  9. I removed 100% of OEM nuts & bolts and went to clamps. Then bought the pneumatic vises which are the absolute best for eliminating flashing. I use lumber scraps as softeners at vice faces and between groups of molds. Some very tall molds still require individual clamps.
  10. I have the small size dual pot (2 color capability) that I’m not using. Also some presto pots with stirrers. Im on Bull Shoals lake in Arkansas.
  11. I’m interested to know how you poured the jig with the two stand-up wire legs. Great idea.
  12. Is the method to shoot outer color first with rods in place, remove the rods and then shoot core color? I guess that would need to be done quickly for the plasitol to bond?
  13. Thank you for that link. I moved and am struggling to find my notebook, so this is much appreciated
  14. My operation has been on hold for a variety of reasons but I have a shop again and will be starting up again soon. I have many molds and 2 Shooting Star models (dual color small & large).
  15. Thank you, gentlemen, for the welcomes and the good advice. I have everything in the new shop but now have to organize and set everything up. I haven’t yet found any mixing tool that will fit through the opening of a gallon jug. Suggestions are most welcome. Again, thank you.
  16. I have been away from this hobby for 3 years while rearranging my life after a divorce. I now have a shop again and though it isn’t set up, everything is in there. The jugs of plastic show that the material is separated. Do I need to discard that and order new? I probably need to flush the pots, pipes, etc to get old residue off. Ideas on what to use? thanks. It’s good to be back
  17. I would love to know how you made the mixer. I haven’t had luck with anything I’ve found on the market
  18. I am needing about 8,000 of these hooks in size 1/0. Only place I found them is Barlows. I enjoy dealing with them but thought I would ask if anyone knows another source. I would probably be willing to buy 10k if price is right. Thank you
  19. I did talk to an ex- IRS agent, now in privatepractice, today and I’m good. She took a lot of information, and came back with the news I hoped for and reinforced my understanding. FET is being paid by the company making the jigs in Arkansas based on the price they charge me. If I bought parts, assembled and or fabricated the product FET would be due based on actual “arms-length” price, but someone else is doing that and it does not require a regular filing on my part. If i did that and sold them to the end user I would also owe Sales or Use Tax to either the state it is sold in or the state shipped to. But I sell only wholesale so only need deal with income taxes, Fed & State. i’m paying to have that put in writing.
  20. This from the IRS Guide Who is Liable for the Federal Excise Tax (FET)? IRC 4161 imposes an excise tax on the sale of sport fishing equipment, bows, archery equipment and arrow shafts (exception for certain wooden arrows designed for children effective October 4, 2008). This tax is imposed on the manufacturers (a term which includes producers and importers) of these products. In order to determine the proper taxpayer we must understand how the code defines these terms. Manufacturer:
  21. FET related question. I outsource 100% of the manufacturing and packaging of my jigs to a reputable firm that charges me 10%. FET and it is his firm’s responsibility to pay that tax quarterly. I sell wholesale only. No web sales, no retail sales. Strictly to brick & mortar tackle shops. I am confident, based on reading the IRS guidelines that I don’t owe any FET, as it is clearly due on the first sale of the item - manufacturer to wholesaler, and must be paid by that seller. Q: Do I need proof of FET payment from vendor? Is a return required of me that shows that proof?
  22. I’m scratching my head on how unused abrasive media would scratch less than used/recycled. Using it new for abrasive blasting knocks the sharp edges off. On the other hand I haven’t used this media for any reason except abrasive blasting, and it certainly has no cutting power after 1 use.
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