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Everything posted by Painter1

  1. Thanks, guys. I ordered some from Del. Fingers crossed that they show up soon
  2. I’m looking for a mold that resembles a Yamamoto 3.5” Kut Tail Worm. Yamamoto doesn’t carry them in colors I prefer.
  3. I had a store owner the other day carrying on about how he really liked the “Guntersville Special” skirt color on a jig. Would any of you gentlemen know what color strands make up that skirt?
  4. It’s a heavy head but I would think about something with a much longer shank hook. For instance, Jenkins makes a swimbait head in 1/4 ounce with a 9/0 hook. The shaft of the hook is very long. I don’t know that you could get a similar hook for that mold. I had a guy make me a custom Magnum Shakey Head mold for use with 12”-14” worms on Lake Falcon. It is heavy and utilizes a big hook.
  5. I have the mold and poured a few. They pour well, but I just don’t use them much.
  6. It is a DO-IT ball head mold. guessing cylinder diameter is 3/8”, length 1/2”
  7. I need to find someone that can / will modify a mold. I have lost touch with the fellow who modified some of my Do -It jig molds, with minor alterations in the past. I have a standard ball head jig mold I want modified to add weight behind the head as desired by an older friend of mine. He is down to his last few and I promised to see what I could do to help him. A cylinder of lead needs to extend from the back of the 5/16 ball head and down the shaft appx 1/2 inch; so that area needs to be machined out in a manner that achieves equal distribution around the shaft. The needed work is beyond my capabilities. I have a prototype jig, the mold and the hooks. I would welcome suggestions on who might be able to help with this project.
  8. I have noticed among friends and associates, there is often a misunderstanding of the importance difference between markup & margin. Please find the following verbal illustrations. NOTE: For the sake of clarity in the following example no allowance for sales tax, shipping and assorted other costs are considered. For this example, I make a fishing related product subject to federal excise tax (FET) and want to implement that tax into my pricing. I decide to sell my product for $4.00 per item before adding in FET. I know FET is 10% so I add $0.40 and sell the item for $4.40 apiece . I have made and sold one thousand items and now have $4,400. I owe FET $440 (10% of sale) leaving me with $3,960. Dividing that $3,960 by the 1,000 items sold it amounts to $3.96 per item. But wait a minute. Remember that part at the beginning “I decide to sell my product for $4.00 per item before adding in FET?” Where did the 4 cents per item disappear to? Answer: You lost it in your markup. Consider; if you had marked up the $4.00 item by 11%, the sale price would be $4.44 ea. and you would end up with the margin you planned. (10% FET on the $4.44 sale price is 44 cents ea. Send that 44 cents to the IRS and you have $4.00) note: I rounded off, again, for clarity of principle We sometimes forget that when we build from the bottom up, but measure from the top down, we must allow for the difference - Markup vs Margin. I hope this is helpful to those of you that are, or plan to be, fishing product entrepreneurs.
  9. Am having good luck with BJ de gassed medium. Glad it isn’t changing.
  10. I have, and use, this system. It appears from your pictures that you need some new parts.
  11. HS100 is the biggest and the one you want.
  12. blade - willow #3, 4 wires at 6” and 1 center wire at 8” I have since stopped using blades, and attach with screwlocs, the swimbaits that don’t have hooks.
  13. I saw this video and am now wondering how much it costs to buy or make the machine and also how much it costs to have the molds made. I’m not seeking to make knock-off products but have a single custom made injection mold that catches fish here in the Ozarks. I’m looking at options to either have more copies of my mold made or do something like this. Your information is most welcome.
  14. They look pretty darn good to me. I have purchased some similar to those and while I liked them the bass preferred silver and gold. They just don’t seem to appreciate fine art
  15. CPa tell me that as long as the FET is paid from producer of the baits the IRS are happy. This is reinforced by the years-long practice of this large manufacturer who provides me a quarterly statement of FET paid on our baits. He says the mold ownership is a whole direct set of circumstances and essentially moot for us because they can’t be used except on/in their proprietary system . He showed me a letter that is quite clear about who the IRS wants payment from . if we fire them we will need to have new mold built
  16. Caster,

    I see a post that just says “clean lead”.  Can you expound on that a bit?  quantity? increments, price, shipping? 

    1. caster


      We have clean lead that comes that has been drossed and comes in 1 lb ingots  now around 4,000 lbs. The price is $1.50 per lb we can ship up to 70 lbs USPS for around 14.00, This price is less than half what most company'sell it for. This price is good for this week. If you have an question please let me know.


  17. Thanks for the intel. This board is such a great resource . LM even sent me the link. It is expensive but I bought it. I have a friend who operates a fishing lodge in Mexico and this will enable me to help him and the local fishermen out. The locals fish for Tilapia below the dam year around. I will pick up a bunch of hooks for them also. These folks don’t need a rod, reel or net; just some line and a coke can. I always bring a big box of soft plastic worms and shad. I only recently learned (as I’m slowly improving my bad Spanish) how badly the do-it bullet weight gets hung up in rocks without the concave. Thanks, again guys
  18. The DO-IT Bullet Weight mold provides a Pear shaped bottom, not the concave shaped tradititional one. Is anyon e aware of a mold. that produces a “traditional” BW
  19. The poison tail swing mold doesn’t use a hook. just a form
  20. First, let me say, in descending order, the 3 things I am most afraid of and therefore strive always to stay on the good side of are; 1) My Wife 2) The IRS 3] Electricity Jig Detail & Question I spent several years working on a jig, for a specific purpose, on a specific lake and had multiple guides and tournament folks work with it, helping me “tune” it along the way. Finally convinced it is marketable in that geographic area I have committed to getting the jigs on tackle store shelves very soon. A deal was reached with a domestic manufacturer who will produce, package and direct ship the jigs to stores. I have gotten the graphics, packaging cards, and UPC labels taken care of. The manufacturer is paying the excise tax (and providing me documentation of same) built into the price I’m paying. They are making 5K of these jigs (the minimum) and 3,500 are pre-sold, so I think we are on the right road. With respect the jigs and excise taxes it my understanding that I only need file an annual return that documents the payment of the taxes by the manufacturer. Q1) Do you have any different understanding or experience in that regard? Plastic Bait Detail I also plan to self-manufacture a small amount of soft plastic baits and test market them in the same stores, under a different brand name. I understand that I will need to pay and file all excise taxes on these products. I am currently at a crossroads regarding a decision to make the plastic company a separate LLC, strictly to avoid any confusion over the excise taxes between the jig brand and the plastics brand. I could leave everything in one company, with separate brands, or have each brand stand alone as an LLC. Income taxes are not a troubling issue as everything will be consolidated on a single personal return. We have no annual fees for LLC’s in my State and I’m proficient at the process. I don’t know if the plastics brand will be a success, as I have not done the R&D that I did with the jig. This argues for the simplicity of a stand alone company for plastics. If it fails, a notice of dissolution to the State and final returns to taxing authorities shuts it down. Q2) Do you have any experience or thoughts on this? Your assistance and thoughts are most welcome and appreciated. Respectfully, M. Knight
  21. How long do you leave them in the water?
  22. I plan to package up some finesse worms and would welcome information for getting 6” label cards for the top of the bags. I need about 200 cards and will be placing these in a couple bait shops. Also curious if you have UPC code printed on the card or use a sticker. some of the worms are bent due to some poor storage technique on my part. I’ve read that dipping them in hot water is effective to cure this, but have never done it. Some of the worms have also exuded some oils from the plasitol. Will the “hot bath” remove that ? Thanks in advance
  23. I haven’t made anything smaller than 3/8 ounce, so thanks for the intel on hooks.
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