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Everything posted by littleriver

  1. littleriver


    I am waiting for the tutorial Coley! I know that is going to be some good eating. Congratulations!
  2. littleriver

    Purple Back

    I like it very much Gene. Looks great! Bright and contrasting, just what i like. I can tell from those hooks you mean business.
  3. Same here Chief. Have a real hard time making any two exactly alike but once you get them to swim it really does not matter. I use a scroll saw to cut my lexan bibs. i get the lexan from Lowes. Thinnest smallest piece they have goes for 3.50 where I am at. It is too thick for most peoples taste but I tell you it will get the job done. I draw my template on a piece of paper. Then use this to make a thicker template from a cardboard box. This template I then use to draw out pattern on lexan. Then to the scroll saw. Band saw works well to but with the variable speed scroll I can really go slow. I finish with a belt sander I have mounted to my bench with 120 grit sandpaper on it. For final touch up work I have a set of those cheap harbor freight mini files sets. They work great for this task. Good luck. Vic
  4. littleriver


    Thank you Tracy! I hope to catch a few keepers with it soon. Vic
  5. littleriver

    2.5 Bluegill

    Really like that one Brad!
  6. Thank you for sharing Dieter! What kind of wood makes the best molds? And how thick is the material your working with? Looks like brass and copper right ? Vic
  7. idahobass said because of cost. Createx white may be fine for plastic and some non grain wood baits but when covering something grainy like a hand carved pine bait, something really thick is required to hide the grain.
  8. One more thing should you dip. If your not mass producing and only a few at a time, I suggest you put some paint in long thin jar for dipping, then refill jar from can. Keeps the paint in can from going bad and a lot easier to open jar as well.
  9. I am thinking of trying this http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&q=oil+based+white+primer&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=5635l10272l0l10552l7l7l0l0l0l0l123l703l4.3l7l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1024&bih=667&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=16141298467292204961&sa=X&ei=XtwxT9DMBeWisQKgg4nxBg&ved=0CEkQ8wIwBA#ps-sellers I currently use this http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&q=oil+based+white+primer&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=5635l10272l0l10552l7l7l0l0l0l0l123l703l4.3l7l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1024&bih=667&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=16141298467292204961&sa=X&ei=XtwxT9DMBeWisQKgg4nxBg&ved=0CEkQ8wIwBA#ps-sellers Thinking the primer may be even better for adhesion with the water based paints.
  10. littleriver


    Thanks Patrick and Mark for your feedback. I am dubbing this pattern , "Cheetah". Next to vary the colors. Thanks again!
  11. littleriver


    Thank you. All the paint on the lure is done with a small brush. No airbrush was used.
  12. littleriver


    Been working on cleaning up the finish. Getting closer.
  13. After much trial and error, the best solution I came up with for mixing one to one epoxies like Etex is to reuse and refill a Devcon 2ton or similar epoxy dispencer. Just clean it up with alcohol and fill with your favorite tabletop. A perfect one to one mix by volume every time. littleriver
  14. littleriver


    Very nice looking bait! Really like all the extra carving detail.
  15. For down and dirty Mark they look really good! Like the tail feather on these lures as well. Do you make? Vic
  16. Only if your haulin bass; haulin As is ok.
  17. littleriver

    Balsa Baits

    Bob Those are some great looking baits! I would be interested in knowing the result of your test. Vic
  18. littleriver

    Big Speed trap copy.

    I have to agree with you on the compound curves. They get easier with time. The lure looks great! A supersize "big O" if I ever saw one.
  19. littleriver

    Copper Sunfish

    Have you changed the lighting? Because they all look great now! :-)-
  20. littleriver


    Really diggin the little trout.
  21. littleriver

    100 0080

    Gentle, I see why your in demand. Beautiful!
  22. littleriver

    decoys for pike

    X2 Really liking the curved tail on the blue one.
  23. littleriver

    Trick or Treat

    Thanks Dieter I thought so too once I was done. His sunflower comes to my mind. the scary thing is I am starting to see these tiny paint strokes everywhere. LOL Vic
  24. littleriver

    PVC Swimbait

    Really nice bait! He looks a little pissed to me. Vic
  25. Saiyani I am a bit new to this myself . I am finding to achieve the cleanest look it is best to fit the bill last with epoxy. As far a fillers, I have tried just about everything except what Dave is suggesting . I have heard of many using bondo( a car product used to smooth body work). One thing I did not like about the epoxy is the hardness. It is much harder than wood. This makes it hard for you to sand it down smooth. The wood will have a tendency to sand before the epoxy filer. A strong filler that sands easily would be best. Mixing wood dust with the epoxy will make it a bit easier to sand. My favorite seal if you have time is a 50/50 mix of boiled linseed oil and mineral spirits. The longer the soak the deeper it penetrates and the more you lose buoyancy so keep this in mind should you try it. Also very flammable! It will need to dry for several days until odor fades as well. Your off to a great start. I like the lures shape. Good luck! vic
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