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Everything posted by littleriver

  1. I fish with nothing but live bait myself. Wonder if it's legal to fish with three goldfish on trebles rigged on an "A" rig in TN. I'll get back with you on that one.
  2. I have thought about making one. Just seems like over kill for a handful of bait at a time. Then again, if one kept some wood blocks in the thing it could sand one at a time.
  3. littleriver

    IMG 9032

    Very nice! I like them all but truly like this guy the best. The added curves really make it shine. Great job! Vic
  4. littleriver


    Thanks Ben! I am working on my own scale pattern. lol Yes, it is all brushes. Actually, all the work was done with one brush that is becoming my favorite. However, the eye i did use a large paperclip and a needle. Sometimes I use a brush for the eye too. Really just depends on how folky u want it to look. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. Really keeps me going. "Why did the chicken cross the road?" sort of thing. Vic
  5. Thanks Ben for the description. It leaves no room for doubt on tapping. I was wondering myself if the can was left upside down or not. Now I know. All I need now is some DN. Thanks Vic
  6. littleriver


    Thank you gentlemen!! But i have to admit this one got away from me. The more I learn about painting with these little brushes the less i know. And believe me, it is not much. Again, thank you for your support on this lure building adventure. Vic
  7. littleriver


    A sunperchbass pattern I am obviously working on. lol
  8. In the end, i probably will Dieter. I left them because they looked a bit like legs but if the they foul the hook I will be cutting later. This is how but Bud did it without the legs but i do not think it is the only way. Thank you for the suggestion.....Vic
  9. littleriver

    First Handcarve

    Not bad, I'd say pretty good. After using the drill press, I now prefer drilling my holes in the manner you describe. More control. Look forward to seeing what follows. Vic
  10. littleriver


    Very nice baits!!
  11. Thought it might be of interest to see how I finished the hardware on this bait. littleriver
  12. littleriver

    little Bud

    This lure is carved from pine scrap. It is modeled after famous Michigan carver and lure builder Bud Stewart's wiggler. The bait is a floater, self rights every time and has a wide wobble on a slow retrieve. Truely meant to be a fly rod bait but I can see myself fishing this on light spinning tackle. The only thing I would have changed it make the bib a bit smaller for a tighter wobble. Next time. littleriver
  13. Jay , You carve and sand till both sides look the same. Simple as that. Vic
  14. Bob is right about the sanding sealer being waxy. I have done a few nudies using this and everywhere the bait is dinged one can see the separation of layers. I know some commercial builders who make large lots of flat sided balsa baits use the sanding sealer. Often making hundreds of baits at a time. They use a concrete mixer to sand the lures smooth. Just the tumbling action of the lures rubbing each other sands them smooth. Remove lures and dust. Put the lures back in mixed with some deft sanding sealer and let them tumble some with the sealer this time. I have never done this but have been told this works pretty well.
  15. Thanks Nugene This lighter material will be useful on my smaller baits. Ben Thanks for looking. I was not having any luck either till today. Vic
  16. Juice, I had many baits bubble while using sanding sealer"deft" and heat. Not sure if it just was not dry enough before painting or what exactly. Sounds like your doing something right with it so far. But one local builder told me he never applied the stuff except when the humidity was below a certain level . He had several baits bubble while his customers where fishing them on a hot boat. Seems the humidity is at it's lowest point in the mornings after the dew has fallen. Least likely to trap any moisture at this time of day. littleriver
  17. littleriver


    Dieter! They all look great!! Your pastel "the forgotten medium" lure definitely has Dieter style to it. Thank you for taking time to video as well. I think you need a deeper tub to see the true action of these babies. Really like the shape of the top bait here. Hope you do not mind, I will be making a few of these. Vic
  18. Thanks Dieter I am fond of these bright contrasting colors. I am also fond of murk water. Hoping the bright colors will get the attention of my prey. Vic
  19. It could be your line tie point need to be adjusted. The water passing over the lip is what makes the bait wiggle. If the tie point is off center, then the bait will turn and travel off center. It does this because their is more pressure on one side of the bill than the other because your line tie is off center. Depending on which way the lure is turning will determine the direction one will need to bend the line tie. This is often referred to as "tuning". Most handmade crankbaits require some level of tuning. Littleriver
  20. I think it is something that comes with practice. That is why carving every bait is a good practice. I look at my baits from many angles several times through the process. Sometimes it is easier to feel subtle differences with your hands than see them. I believe it is something one must like to do. Honestly, my favorite part of the build. Little by little Littleriver
  21. This little bait is carved from basswood.
  22. littleriver


    Thank you. Your feedback is appreciated. The wood is pine. I use homemade twisted stainless line ties. These are held in place with two part epoxy. No ballast is used and the lure is a floater. Vic
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