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Everything posted by littleriver

  1. littleriver


    Thanks John. The lure has a fast skating action. Transitions quickly on that point back and forth.
  2. I would suggest the bandsaw. One it will cut thicker harder material more easily. I have both saws and find the band saw far more useful. The scroll is more limited.
  3. Your welcome Lee It was the work of TN custom builders ( Boots Anderson and Jim Lovingood ) that first got me interested in making my own baits. They built lures from the ground up like Jim Harter. I have much respect for the work of these early modern lure pioneers. Many are inspired by the work of these custom builders. Their work is highly sought after and will live on. Littleriver
  4. littleriver

    Gator Bait

    I was thinking the same thing John. I never really liked reptiles but I am starting to. This is a floater. No weight was used for this except the wood ,bill, hooks and hangers. Swims better than i could have hoped. I will film some warm day to share. Glad you like it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Vic
  5. Found it. "Pigma Micron 01" works well for me.
  6. I use a micro pen. Mine came from Micheals. I would tell you the brand but as usual it can not be found when needed. I believe it is a .01 . They come in a variety of sizes. They are located in the front left hand side of our store. i have had no problems using with epoxy or water based paints. Look for micro pens.
  7. littleriver

    Gator Bait

    Pine bodied carving . One of many shapes that came from free carving. Reminds me of a baby gator.
  8. littleriver


    Thats all i am doing these days. The business end is pretty dull. Besides, all the work is in that head. Like the color on that one. Nice!
  9. Gunnie, first time I hear anyone mention this as a reference. just visited the site and looks like it will be a nice add. I am putting on my birthday wish list. Thank you!
  10. littleriver


    Thanks Gunnie . I figured it out once I started reading the titles to your baits. It does not look like a regular DT 6 any more. Great paint!
  11. Here are my "Secret Santa" Baits. I really was lucky this year. Thank you Coley for the beautiful baits.
  12. littleriver


    Coley generously gave me this bait earlier this year . I really love the color pattern on this bait. I felt now was a good time to share it with the group. I now have a small of your work and I could not be happier. Thank you Coley! Vic
  13. littleriver

    Secret Santa

    Here is the second lure in my stocking. Thank you Coley! This lure is another beauty. Again, it has features that take it to another level of both build and look. There is faint scale pattern on this bait with some sort of glitter metalic paint that fades in and out. Unreal! I suggest you take a closer look. Thanks again Coley! Vic
  14. littleriver

    Secret Santa

    Just thought the album could due with two pics of this bait. Do yourself a favor and check these lures out in the large version.
  15. littleriver

    Secret Santa

    Here is one of the baits I received from my Secret Santa. I feel like I drew the lucky stray this year. This bait has a number of special effects going on above and beyond being a great looking bait to boot that I tried to capture with this photo. The work of a master custom builder. For one, the color shift of purple to black can clearly be seen on the back of this bait as the viewing angle changes. Another is the subtle scale pattern on the back of the bait that fades in and out as the viewing angles change as well. Thank you Santa (Coley) for this beautiful lure. I will be admiring and enjoying for years to come. Vic
  16. Ran across this tonight http://www.ebay.com/itm/GULP-BALSA-CRANKBAIT-FLAT-SIDE-TENNESSEE-SHAD-/150726835118?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item231804fbae#ht_965wt_702
  17. littleriver

    threadfin shad

    I like the scales your using on that one Gentle. Very nice!
  18. There are so many ways to crack this egg. I would think about, "if and where" you want the week link to be in this system. Or do you want a week link at all. Most products are rated for certain pounds. If hung, what do you want to give so you may retrieve your lure in a usable fashion and yet still strong enough to catch any fish your fishing for is a good place to start. Littleriver
  19. Jerry, From the read it sounds like a bad idea. This statement Proponents of catch shares claim they are the best solution to profitably, safely and sustainably manage our fisheries. In this report, Food & Water Watch examines these claims and finds them all wanting. alone is enough for me. If their argument is to raise funds, then they are sadly mistaken. Our government first priority should be people based first. What is the best thing for the citizen. Not how much money can we raise. Until we become a people based society and not money, we are doomed to fail our people. I see why walmart would want to buy these catch shares. They could conceivably control the us fish market. From the catch to store. I am sure they are doing this to bring us lower prices right? If you buy that I have some ocean front here in TN for you. What happens next is the fish will then go to the highest bidder. Before long, we will not be able to afford to buy the fish caught off our own shores. It all starts with these "catch shares". "Nip it in the bud", as Barney Five would say; now, while we can. Littleriver
  20. Mark I too was thinking why not after your post but Woodenfeather makes a valid point. The anchor point would have to either be perfect or adjustable to allow for some tuning. I think it could be done to adjust and work. As long as the shank on the end of the swivel your going to use as the anchor is long enough to still leave room for some fine tuning and still make a secure connection.
  21. I posted a picture of the GULP I have in the Gallery. I explain there why I feel it is a reliable example. It does look similar to the second bait but not exactly. Mine is so thin it will not even set up on it's side like the one photoed does. Yet it has enough similar touches that one has to wonder. If the building materials are the same there is a strong case they are from the same builder. I am not going to say it is or is not one though because after building a few of my own baits; I quickly learned that we change things along the way. It is a learning process and we're always striving to make the bait better. Littleriver here is the picture
  22. littleriver


    Here is the only example of a Gulp bait I have. The bait came from a SC collector who has written a book about SC baits. He collects these baits and has nearly ever color pattern they ever produced. This was one of his lesser seconds. I feel it is a reliable example. The first thing one will notice about the bait once it is in you hand is the weight. Heavy. Second is the how thin this bait really is. Wafer thin. Third is the build. Clean, rock hard and flawless. I am certain they caught a lot of fish and fisherman alike. Littleriver
  23. Mine arrived today! Thank you Coley! I am posting pictures of these baits on sunday. I will have time to take a decent picture. I have learned though it is impossible to capture the beauty of some baits with a photo. These baits fall into this category. You have to hold them in your hands to really appreciate how good they really are and these are outstanding. Thank you Coley!
  24. littleriver


    I second that! Is this one of your own shapes?
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