Hijacking the thread? Quite the contrary John.
I should say that the reason for the test would not be to convince me what hook I prefer. I'm quite happy with most hooks and a small file. No - the thing is that I'm getting into the world og blogging and thought this would be a good and intresting subject to write about, if carried out right.
I say a destructive test is requred for but for a very limited number of hooks. Both for expenses and the huge amount of time it would take to test too many hooks one by one.
Now as a method I'm thinking of a swing arm slamming down on the hook point as a way of simulate wear. Then testing the hooks by hanging them weighted on a surface and measure the time it takes for the hook to completely penetrate that surface all the way past the barb. The test should probably be performed with the barbs completely removed also(only?).
Well. I'll keep on thinking about it some. It's a future project anyway. Ice is almost gone here and there's ton of things to take care about. New models to perfect and retailers convince. This could be a good project for next winter.
Anyway John, please continue.
And yes. It's all hooks on the market today I would be testing.