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Everything posted by bakgat

  1. CADMAN if you found the tutorial can you please send it to me as well. bakgatlures@gmail.com
  2. This is a great idea and it looks great. Thanks for the technical info Powerworm, I think I might also copy this idea at some stage in the future.
  3. Hi I am curious to find out if anyone ever tried the 60 degree Jig Circle hook from Mustad in the Ultra Minnow mold. I am keen to try something like this but don't want to spend the money if it is not going to work. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Here is the link to the Lureparts site where I saw it first http://lurepartsonline.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=2107 Thanks Danie
  4. I get my lead in 50lb ingots and use the hammer and chisel method mentioned by many. I tried a heap of different methods, from axe to drilling holes to using different saws, but the good old hammer and chisel came out top.
  5. I have tried using sand paper and it just takes too much time for me. What I do now is use a Stanley knife and pull it over the scar at a vertical angle to the jig body, its almost like scraping the mark off. By doing this I get a very smooth finish.
  6. Thanks for the info hawnjigs. Over here in Australia it is easier and cheaper for me to buy the pure lead. I don't have a lot of time to spend on the jigs so it makes sense to rather get the lead I can use straight away, this gives me more quality time on the jigs. I am still new in this game and learning every day. I will see if I can find Tin somewhere to get that shiny finish.
  7. Steve187 I will still play around with some of the variables and see if I can figure out exactly what is going on. I will let you know if I find something
  8. It is actually the lead, while in the pot, that turns this purple/blue. I don't have one of the Lee Melting pots/pourers yet, but use a normal small Stainless Steel pot on a gas burner. I use a ladle to pour the jigs, thus actually getting the odd color lead into the molds. I normally do the powder painting within a week or two. I will try the vinegar, how long does it need to stay in there?
  9. Hi Guys I was also reading a bit about fluxing the lead and gave it a go. The first batch after fluxing was perfect, then I started to pour some 0.5 and 1lb ingots as I purchased my lead in 50lb ingots. I fluxed this lead and it started turning blue and purple. I have taken the pot down to almost empty and then added a clean 12lb piece in the hope to dilute the discoloration causing element out. It didn't work and most of the jigs I pour now is not bright anymore but rather blueish/purplish for lack of a better description. Luckily all of the jigs I poured will get painted but I do make some that doesn't get painted. Is there anyone who can help me with this please? Could it be the temperature of the lead that causes this?
  10. I use the Mustad 32786 as well with the sizes mentioned before. Lureparts has a deal on some Eagle Claw L735's which are Duratin coated http://lurepartsonline.com/cart.php?m=product_list&c=2271 Has anyone used this hook before? I ordered some for the same size Ultra Minnow mold, at that price I had to take a chance.
  11. I make use of a pot and gas burner setup in the garage which is connected to the house. The garage door is open with a couple of fans sitting in front of the door which joins the house and garage. In this way I ensure that nothing can enter the house. We are fortunate to live in a place that don't really get cold in winter so the doors can stay open right throughout the year. The next item on my shopping list is one of the Lee production pots, but will have to do without it for now.
  12. Thanks for the info, I will go and try a few of the methods and make a decision from there. I normally work at night and thus mostly indoors. Not really keen for a stench to wake the house up while they are fast asleep.
  13. I have read many threads on the topic of Powder painting and it is mentioned many times what the signs are of too much paint on a jig. My question is what can you do if you totally stuffed a paint job up and you want to do it over again, what do you do then? Can you melt the lead off again in order to save the hook? What effect does the paint have in the lead pot? I know that you will only get better with practice, but I have managed to stuff a few paint jobs up royally, from burning the paint over the heat source, to dropping it onto the table, to having two freshly painted jigs touch in the curing rack to paint dripping in the oven. Is there anything I can do to salvage the situation?
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