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Rip Lip

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  • Location
    New Hampshire
  • Interests
    Fishing, Hunting, Running, Jeepin, Snowmobiling, Pouring baits

Rip Lip's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. OK, just plain plastic with pearl white added to it? I'll give it a shot. Thank you
  2. Hello all, I haven't been here for years but I'm having some issues trying to make the Sluggo white color for Striper fishing. I've been getting kind of close but the shine isn't there. I searched through this thread and either I missed it or it isn't there. Does anyone have a recipe to make this color? Thanks for any help.
  3. Thanks. I tried last night with cinnamon but that didn't do it and I have brown on the way. I'll try that when it comes in.
  4. Yeah i've been messing with a couple different scenarios and they all don't come out right. I was looking to see if anyone had like a 4oz recipe that had a color in it that I don't have which is probably the reason why I can't make it come out right. Once there is a pearl powder or anything thrown in the mix i can't figure the colors out right for some reason. Thanks
  5. Thats what i figured. The white pearl I'm looking for is actually a Slug-go color called Albino Shad. Thanks
  6. With stripers coming up to NH soon and more saltwater action I was wondering if anyone had a good recipe for the color "Bone"? Also another good one is like a white pearl and I used the search in the cookbook but i didn't get any results my way. Thanks for any help.
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