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    Dallas Texas

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  1. I use Kapton tape for high temp work...
  2. Tyvek passes moisture vapor through but not liquid water. I imagine that as you use the material you have for a while it will eventually start doing the same thing as your other filter materials. I imagine that it is the vapor that is condensing in the powder causing it to clump together thus the volcanoes. I have had old powder paint do that on me. I do believe you may be able to "dry" it out between uses using silicon gel from the craft store. You can reuse the stuff by popping it in the oven and heating it back up. It's a poor mans desiccant. Here's a pretty good article on it. http://www.ehow.com/way_5312158_create-homemade-desiccants.html Tony
  3. Kasilofchrisn I am anxiously awaiting your test results for adding the vibration to the bed. Any news? I ask because I just received my vibrators (that the right word? - seems wrong and embarrassing) and if you had some tips on what you did right or wrong that would be helpful. Thanks in advance. Tony
  4. Hope I didn't break any rules with the video link... Sorry if I did. Tony
  5. The stand up football jig puts the crayfish bait in a fighting position when it settles. The couple I have seen done that way have more than a flat spot. They actually fold it back under much like a folded crawdad tail when it folds back. That's my 0.02 for what it's worth. Here is the best video that I found Tony
  6. I think Century Spring sells them. Check their Amazon store front. Tony
  7. I want to make some larger squid jigs. Lead means it is too heavy while straight urethane is too light. Has anyone used the urethane/metal combination yet? Tony
  8. Great thread... gonna follow this one.
  9. Thanks for that idea. I will retry the two colors I was having a problem with. I looked at jars of powder coat I had and they were probably about 6 years old. I know I should throw them out but I guess I am too cheap. But heck, I don't get around to things sometimes and projects kind of pile up. Thanks again. Tony
  10. I believe I have enogh air. My problem seemd to be on a couple paints that wouldn't fluidize correctly and ended up blowing volcanoes. It tended to clump rather than fluidize. I tied some other paint and it did well. I have used several different filter materials though I haven't tried the vacuum cleaner bag yet. I'll give it a try. The vibratory idea sounds good. May try that myself. I really appreciate the time you took to comment. Tony
  11. When you get it in, let me know how it turns out. I am interested. I have built 1 1/2" and 2" beds and used an aquarium pump and it works OK as long as I don't load the paint too heavy in the bottom (about an inch or so). Works great on the smaller jigs but haven't tried it on anything of any size. When I load it up too high I end up with volcanoes. I was wondering if anyone had built a long narrow bed so you could drop them in length-wise. Tony
  12. Thanks for the explanation. I assume you made your own fluid bed for these. Idon't know if you would mind sharing a picture of this type of long bed arrangement but i would be interested in seeing it. i'm just a hobbiest but I do make some large jigs on occassion. I also don't want to hijack a thread. Tony
  13. I have used a paper bad or even 65# paper. works pretty god for me.
  14. Wasn't sure if this was supposed to go here or in the hard baits area. Anyway... some feed bask on anyone catching any fish on them or not would be welcome. Tony
  15. I didn't really mean for this to end up being a sappy thread. I just thought that it is cool to share something simple and enjoyable sometimes. So.. On the lighter side Dad flattened some of the round heads a bit so we could put some eyes on them. they should be really cool. Probably will catch more fisherman than fish! I'll post some pictures from the garage later in the week. Tony
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