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Everything posted by crankbaits

  1. I've been building my lures out of redwood and poplar for years. Now I want to try my hand at balsa. can someone post a link to a supplier. Please include the density you use.
  2. Don't worry Ben,my neighbors dog has dressed some jigs for me.No 12 step program needed
  3. Great post Rowhunter,thanks Mohawkman for getting it.Unguarded tackleboxes and side ways lips. Great stuff.
  4. The first one is the toughest to lose,It gets easier after that. Mark hit the nail right on the head with that statement.Build them,fish them,lose them and then build some more.
  5. Go to ebay and search handmade crankbaits on page 2 there is a pack of 25 wood blanks for around 20 bucks
  6. Try pearl white overall,black back with pearl copper scale over the black.Then what Benton B said for the rest.
  7. Daves advice is right on the money.Take a rapala original floater and tie a clinch knot on the tow eye Then you can change the action by moving the knot up or down on the tow eye. It's been awhile since i've played around with one but it will really change the action of the lure.
  8. Nova, I;m glad to hear I'm not the only one to think of that.I've told many people that if I fished with a stick with hooks on it long enough i would catch a bass sooner or later. I've even caught bass while testing my un painted crankbaits. Life like paint/photo finish catch fishermen,confidence and skill catch fish.
  9. You can get a nice olive green scale effect by painting the bait black,then put your scale mesh on and then a light coat of yellow.Just go slow and light with the yellow until you get the color green you want.
  10. Nice one mark.OH damn now i'm showing my age.
  11. The netcraft circuit board bills are fine.I've used them for years without a problem. If you saw the rebel square bill craws on ebay they might have been mine. I cut off the factory bill and put a square circuit board bill on them. It's easy to do ,find some old lures and give it a try.
  12. I painted some lures for a guy in Florida a few years ago. One pattern was a golden shinner,pearl copper base,black back with a dark brown scale on the sides.The other pattern had a blue back with a black scale pattern on it.Sorry I can't remember the rest of the pattern It may have been yellow with a white belly. If the rest comes back to me i'll post it for you.
  13. Yes they are.I use them on my crankbaits and your hook or line will fail before they do.
  14. I get alot of sales at the boat ramp. Just tell them you are testing some of your hand made lures.
  15. Curt, How can I delet a photo from the contest. I uploaded too many
  16. crankbaits

    kentucky shad

    This my take on a shad pattern.It is carved from redwood.The profile is cut out then in half so I can hallow out the rattle chamber. Then I add the lead shot for ballast and rattle.
  17. crankbaits

    Big game fly

    that is one awesome streamer.
  18. Diemai, Buck perry wrote a book called spoonplugging.It is full of great info.He says the spoonplug is great for casting. I know it's not much but I hope this helps
  19. Listen to your wife.Make what you enjoy and hold on to the artistic side.Building a lure is a art and the more creative you let yourself be the easier it will be for you.
  20. Robbie, Thank you for the kind words.Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
  21. Thats a great story Smalljaw.I think most of us have had that happen.Realing in a small fish and have a giant follow it.I think they see another fish feeding and get fired up.One of you wire bait guys should make a spinnerbait size bama rig.Make the blades in a circle around a offset spinner bait head.
  22. Canuck brought up a great point. Does the preditor fish percieve the spinnerbait as a bait fish or as a preditor chasing a bait fish
  23. crankbaits


    This is a new pattern I tried and really like it. It has a black base coat with pearl orange scale and black bars.
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