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Everything posted by milrtyme24
Will trade this mold for any basstackle mold that has the paddle tail style swimbait. If interested email me at millertime24@comcast.net and we can work out the details.
Looking for the 4 inch basstackle swimbait mold that had the copper tube insert so the swimbait looked hollow inside, it looked similar to a basstrix swimbait after it was injected. Contact millertime24@comcast.net.
Looking for the 3 oz twin injector and blending block from basstackle.com. Also interested in any swimbait molds that anyone has for sale. You can email me at millertime24@ comcast.net.
In my previous listing I wanted to sell all my molds, injectors and everything I had as 1 lot for $6800. I have decided to just sell items as individual pieces so if you are interested send me an email to millertime24@comcast.net. 90% of my stuff is less than a year old and has barely been used. Im knocking anywhere from 30 to 50 % off the prices I paid for the items. Most of my stuff is from basstackle. If you have sent me emails before about wanting to but individual items please send me an email again if you are still interested. I have paint, glitter, airbrushes, injectors, aluminum injection molds, hand pour molds, silicone molds, lee production plastic pots, lee production lead pots, lead molds, all kinds of top quality spinnerbait stuff, and so on. Just shoot me an email and I will send you pictures and prices. Thanks.
To much to list so if you are interested in starting your own lure making business then this is the perfect opportunity for you. If you are interested send me an email at millertime24@comcast.net and I can tell you everything that is included. Only getting out of business because back surgery didnt go to well and its just to painful to try to work and make lures. Most of my stuff includes hand injected swimbait molds, hand poured swimbait molds, twin injectors, single injectors, lee production pots-plastic and lead, creature molds, craw molds, mostly bought from basstackle.com within the last year, molds from bears baits also, iwata airbrushes, compressor, all different kinds of paint, plastisol from bears and caney creek, and a lot more stuff. Just about all of my stuff is less than a year old and in excellent condition. Still have reciepts for most of the stuff that I invested in. Might part out but would like to sell everything as a package. Over 10 grand invested and selling price is $6,800.00 plus shipping cost or will try to work something out if your close to Virginia. If you are seriously interested then send me an email and I can send you pictures of everything. Trying to upload a few pictures dont know if its working.
Dick Nites Top Coat, How Do You Guys Preserve It?
milrtyme24 replied to milrtyme24's topic in Hard Baits
Thanks BobP, I dont know what bloxygene is but I will find out. I didnt know what the problem was but you pretty much explained it. I had been just opening the jar and coating about 15 baits and then putting the lid on the jar with tape around it. So I will from now on just pour enough to do the job and spray some bloxygene Preserver into the jar then put the lid on with aluminum foil and A rubber band to preserve it, got you. Thanks for the info. -
Im mostly on the soft bait forum but Ive been making a few a rigs lately and I used Dick Nites top coat for the final clear coat. I like the stuff its very easy to use but I cant seem to keep it in the garage for over 2 or 3 days and it turns hard in the bottle. I have bought three 2 oz bottles and 1 of them even arrived in the mail already rock hard. I put the lid on tight and even put tape around the lid and it still goes bad after a few days. I sent them an email a week ago and got no response so I was just wondering if you guys have a tip on how to store the stuff. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Seriously it is good stuff but Im just having problems keeping it in liquid form for more than 2 or 3 days. Im also pretty much a rookie especially with painting and clear coats.
I have a Lees production pot for plastic that is like new that I will sell pretty cheap, just send me a pm. I use the micro/pyrex method and it works good for me. The Lees pot I have is really good if you are pouring 1 piece molds but I bought mostly injection molds and dont need the Lees pot anymore. The pot you saw that looks like a crock pot is probably made by Bears Baits and they work great especially if you have a lot of plastic to pour.
Lurecraft and Spike It have the paint you are looking for. But it requires good ventilation and it is very flammable. I have an airbrush and tried it and it works good but I dont have proper ventilation in my basement during winter so I use the twin injectors for 2 colors on my swimbaits.
Whats The Best Points System For A Small Bass Club?
milrtyme24 replied to milrtyme24's topic in The Docks
Thanks for the reply Bfish but they voted to keep the points system in place. Oh well. -
If you guys could respond pretty quick, the first bass club meeting of our local club is tomorrow and the old points system we had just didnt work well. We fish about 12 tournaments a year and average about 15 boats per tournament. All tournaments are buddy tournaments and we have a five fish limit per boat so however the boat finished thats how many points both anglers got. Well the problem arose when somebody coudnt make a tournament or somebody would fish in a different boat but even if you didnt show, you still got points based on how your buddy and his boat finished. Another words if your buddy owned the boat and fished by himself and you didnt show up for a scheduled tournament then you still got the same points as your buddy who fished finished. We want to keep the five fish limit per boat but something needs to be changed. We keep a points system for top angler of the year plus the top 10 boats/anglers make the little local classic tournament at the end of the year. We need a system based on each individual anglers performance but at the same time we just want 5 fish per boat versus 10 because its harder to keep the fish alive and say if you catch your five fish but you buddy has not caught any sometimes its tempting to give your buddy a fish or 2 if you are catching the fish and he is having a bad day but Im not saying that has happened Im just saying that could be a scenario that could happen. We are talking about maybe winning $300 for first place so Im not saying anyone would cheat but we need a system that would show each anglers performance and also his dedication to the club while maintaining a buddy sytem and a 5 fish limit per boat. I know that most of you guys might belong to a local club so I was just wanting some ideas or input on maybe the points system that you might use or some input on a fair system that we could implement. Thanks for your response.
Smallmouthaholic is right on the money about the twin injectors having to be the same temperature in each injector to make a good laminate. When I first bought my twin injector I would get more of one color than the other color and it didnt come out right. I think it might have been Frank who is on this site that told me that both injectors have to be within 10 degrees of each other in order to make a good laminate. Example one injector might be 345 degrees so the other injector needs to be the same or within 10 degrees of that temperature. I bought a laser thermometer off of Amazon.com for about $25 and I have not had a problem since.
Ive tried 3 different brands so far with a fourth brand on the way. I have tried calhous, m-f, and spike it with caney creek on the way. I will rate them in this order: #1 M-F, #2 Calhouns, #3 Spike It. The reasons why is i use a microwave to heat my plastic and so far m-f has the best reheat value that keeps its flexability and clear color even if i reheat it in the microwave a dozen times plus it keeps its clear color without yellowing for longer periods of time. Calhouns is a very close 2nd. Spike it pourasol just bubbles up a lot and turns yellow pretty quick atleast it did when I tried it a couple of months ago. I will let you know about the caney creek, it should arrive any day and as soon as I make some new baits I will let you know how it turns out.
Just a quick update, first thanks everyone for the kind words, second its day 6 now and im up walking about 3 times a day and my pain level as eased up a little, my leg hurts when I walk. I hope I dont have to take pain pills very long because I know they are addicting. In my case, I dont think they give me a high that I have heard people describe, but I do like the little bit of pain relief they do provide. I hope to be in the basement making some baits pretty soon. The worst so far was coming home and getting off the morphine from the hospital, took about 2 good days for the pain to ease, then the last 2 days have been pretty good. I had a condition called lumbar stenosis, the doc went in and took a piece of bone out that was putting pressure on a number of nerves in the L4, L5 region of my back, not only my sciatic nerve but the nerves that control bowel and bladder function, and nerves that have to do with sex drive and a few other things-now you begin to see why i was worried but happy to report everything still works, lol. Thanks again for your support and anyone facing this type of surgery, its to soon for me to give my opinion but so far so good.
Thanks guys for the kind words. I think bass100 was right. The hospital got me out before the holidays and switched me from the good stuff ( morphine pump ) to lortab 5 now im in pain from my head to my toes. This is tougher than i had imagined. I will try to keep you guys informed so the ones thinking about back surgery will keep thinking if possible. I had put up with mine for over 2 years before going in under the knife and right now i feel like a truck ran over me. Dont mean to be whining but im not going to kid you, this is the second day and im at home now and i cant hardly get out of bed. Pain has increased 10 times to what it was in the hospital. Dont get me wrong, i wanted to be home for the holidays but right now i feel useless but i get to be with my family. If anybody is planning on having surgery, dont get discouraged yet, i will try to keep you informed but day 2 so far is the worst. Thanks guys and i might have to put this under a different heading but so many fishing guys do have problems i was trying to give those people an insight to what im going through. Day 2 sucks so far but maybe day 3 will be better.
Well laying here in the hospital just out of surgery about 6 hours ago and what do I have on my mind. Making baits, hollow body paddle tail swimbaits, I think Im addicted or this pain medicine is kicking in good. I brought my iPad so i think im just addicted to trying to figure out how the heck some of you guys make such terrific baits. some of you guys are just artists and the rest of us i guess just takes practice, practice, and more practice. I have tried the airbrush to make the color patterns better but im in the basement and the lurecraft paint stinks up the basement and the house. I tried the waterbased but it rubs off before i can get the bait dipped, my hands are not the steadiest. I have had a little luck with taking a qtip and dipping it in the plastic pearl powder paint but only a few colors will show up. Im just taking a qtip and powder paint and rubbing it down the top of the bait nothing added just powder. I know there have been many posts on this topic but a procedure for this to fit me still evades me. Well i have talked enough i guess, so far the surgery seems to be working but i hope its not the pain meds talking to me. I would be lost if i could not fish, retirement from fishing at age 44 with only 1 local club win, i dont even want to think about it. Seriously guys for a moment, take care of your backs and your body if you want to fish way up into your retirement years. And for you guys who have made it to retirement without any back trouble share your secret, please. I have had shoulder surgery and you can teach yourself to cast with the other arm but you only have one back so take care of it. I have a new respect for people with back trouble, its not fun and any kind of movement when your down in your back affects your entire body, i have learned this the hard way. So in closing, i have learned a lot from you guys and some people may just get on here to get an idea then just leave the site but if i can help any of you guys in any way, i will try thats all i can give you is to try so dont hesitate to ask, i might not know a lot of techniques and information but if i do i will help you out. Thank you guys, Dwayne
Thanks for the ideas, go in for back surgery tomorrow so I will probably be down for a little while but I appreciate everyones help on this site. Some of you guys are truely talented and maybe one day I hope to be half as talented as some of you are.
I have been making 5 inch hollow body swimbaits for about 4 months now. I have made a lot of progress and i give most of the thanks to you guys on TU. Ive been using the twin injectors from basstackle to make 2 color swimbaits and they have turned out good. Now i want to airbrush but i cant figure out a good system for holding the baits while i paint. Any ideas would be much appreciated.
The glimmer blue color is it 1 drop of white to 4 oz of plastic then use blue hi lite or use super blue hi lite? I use mostly lc colors. The only one I can think of if you guys need a picture is Jim at ghostbaits has the glimmer blue in one of his phantom shads. Thanks for any help it is greatly appreciated.
Thanks guys, exactly the info I was looking for. I already have a fluid bed and I will buy the badger air brush for getting different colors. I know you guys use the tap the brush method but I get to much powder on one spot and not enough on another spot. I was just wanting some different colors and some details. I guess to get the really good details you must use a real airbrush with like cs coatings vinyl paint for jigs that you use in an airbrush. Like your spinnerbait avatar Cadman I guess that is airbrushed, if that's all powder then you really are good.
What's the best powder coating system on the market today for jigs, swimbait heads, spinnerbaits and stuff maybe a little larger. I know most of you use the badger like from tj's tackle. I was just wondering if the sears craftsman gun or the Chicago electric powder system, or the eastwood dual voltage system was any good. Or do theses systems spray to big of a pattern for what I'm looking for. When I say other stuff my son is into dirt bikes and wants small parts that will fit into an oven powder coated so I was just wondering about which is the best system but mostly it will be used for fishing stuff. Thanks for the help.
Saltwater Swimbait molds - Fish Trap style 5"
milrtyme24 commented on Patrick's classified ad in For Sale
Do you still have like the 2 molds for 30 bucks deal? -
Thanks for the info guys I appreciate it. Going to check eBay and the 885 out.
I cant tell much by looking at lurecrafts rtv mold pictures but which mold do you guys think is the best somehere in the vicinity of 4 to 5 inches. I was kinda looking at 2 styles, the one with the most detail or the one that doest have a head and you put it on a jig head like the hammer head swimbaits. Thanks for any opinions you guys have. Or any company for that matter doesnt have to be lurecraft. Im trying to find the best swimbait that will swim with the do it shad style head or anyone know of any custom molds for sale. I would like to make a jighead similar to the 1/2 oz buckeye swimbait head but I hear everyone who does custom work is backed up and it takes a long time to get it. Now I said similar not exact and this is for personal use or maybe anyone have any ideas on how to modify the do it shad head, Im wanting a little more side to side wobble action out of the head. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
Will try to do that tonight, been pretty busy but who hasn't, anyway i have a bass club meeting until around 830 pm eastern time then I will try to send you the pics when I get home.