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Everything posted by milrtyme24

  1. Thanks for the information guys. I will try your procedure for making a cup King Cormorant. I almost bought 2 of the presto pots with the auto stirring system but Im running out of room in my basement so Im going to have to expand a little. How good do the presto pots work? Can you control the flow for instance if your pouring small details in a one piece rtv mold? Do they keep the plastic heated just at the right temperature for as long as you need to pour? Thanks again.
  2. I have been injecting most of my baits for my whole 2 month career at this so this might be a dumb question but if you pour from a 3 color pyrex cup it looks like to me that the colors would all blend together. I dont understand how the cup works. Ive read a little bit on how to make them but I have not read how they are supposed to pour perfect layers. Do you have all 3 colors at the same temperature when you pour or do you let 1 color cool down a little or how does it work. Thanks for any help, I might try to make one but I would like to understand how it works before I try to make one. What size cup works the best and a piece of metal that you jb weld the aluminum into the cup with.
  3. I bought one of these off of eBay and all I can say is its swims and looks incredible, do you plan on making any different colors.

  4. I bought one of these off of eBay and all I can say is its swims and looks incredible, do you plan on making any different colors.

  5. Thanks for the info Frank, I would like to buy more airbrushes but its not in my budget right now. I never thought about putting just a few drops right in the brush, I would always mix a little with retarder since it dries so quick and then usually end up wasting about a fouth of a cup. Thanks again Frank.
  6. I have a question about painting plastic swimbaits, not just the hollow body style but any kind of plastic swimbait. Can you use a system like the Copic Marker Airbrush? First of all I did buy an Iwata Cr airbrush and the paint from Lurecraft for softplastics. Im not having alot of success right now, I know there is a learning curve and I probably will never be able to paint like MattLures so Im kinda looking for an alternative. Remember Im a newbie so I dont even know if the ink would stick to the bait. The Copic Airbrush system is like an airbrush sorta but instead of cleaning up the airbrush everytime you swith colors all you do is pop in a different color marker, no mess and quick. Would this work if I sprayed the bait then dipped it in clear plastic to protect the ink/paint or am I just way off target. It would be nice if I wanted to switch airbrush colors to just pop in another marker and keep going. The Iwata you have to clean every time you change colors and Im talking I use just a little bit of paint for the top of the bait, stop change paint clean airbrush then paint a little red spot on the belly, stop change paint clean airbrush, man there has to be an easier way and the paint from lurecraft is good but its hard to clean. Unless I had 1o different airbrushes set up which I cant afford, it just takes me a long time to paint a simple hollow body bait. I was just wondering the Copic System may not even stick to the bait, i know nothing about paint except the lurecraft paint does work but stinks to high heaven and is hard to clean out of my airbrush. So you guys who paint these excellent looking soft plastic swimbaits please help, there has to be an easier way to paint a 3 color scheme or whatever im painting which is usually something simple because Ive only had the Iwata about a month and I like it but it takes me so long to switch paints and clean the airbrush each time. Thanks for tthe help guys and Ill try to load a pic of the Copic Airbrush system or you can do a search to learn more about it, if it would work it would make my life a lot easier....haha. I
  7. Well im a newbie to so Ill try to answer your questions the best I can, as far as for pouring worms and the little flat spot, it does not bother me one bit the fish still bite it but I have a brother-in-law who looks at every little detail so 50/50 on that one. If you are looking to keep it as simple as possible lurecraft has all kinds of hand poured molds and they dont cost much and if you over pour just a little you can almost get a roundbait. There is a lot of info on this site about pouring your own 2 piece molds but I have yet to attempt it. I have poured 1 piece pop molds they are cheap and do really well. Right now im pouring experimenting with different colors, my basement is full so I do need to sell some, the problem there is do you go on eBay, I thinks its hard to make any money on ebay with fishing lures but you could give it a try. You might already have a plan as how your going to sell, to answer your last question I would pour to order, unless you have a good selling bait or color then I would stock up on that item. Hope this helps.
  8. Thanks Dave, I always enjoy reading your topics. I love swimbaits and your theories on vortex and stuff like that is a little over my head but I try my best to understand what you mean. One day I would like to design a wooden swimbait but Im trying to get the plastic down first. Thanks for you advice. I agree if it stays small they probably wouldnt notice but if it grew I might have a problem, I really like the name. One other question you might be able to help me with, if I accidently name one of my baits the same name as someone else has then I could be in the wrong, I dont believe in copying a bait and changing it a little then say its mine I think thats wrong but what Im doing right now is ordering molds from kevin at basstackle and I talked to him and he said that what is business is about, making molds to sell then you can call the bait whatever because he doesnt care about the patent he just cares about selling molds so im covered there. Legal issues is what I need to study about and thanks again.
  9. Ok Im on my laptop now, I use my Ipad for just about everything except I cant get it to work good on this site. On my previous post if you let your mouse hover over the topic then you can read it but if you click on it you can just read a few words, all I can say is newbie. I have trouble posting pics to. Do you have to put them on another site then download them to this site or what. I was just wanting to show you guys my first bait I poured 2 months ago and then a pic of the last bait I poured lastnight. Critics are welcome as I view that as a learning tool, well most of it except the bs...haha. Anyway I was asking about using my nickname when I do start a lure company one day,and dont under estimate me, you guys have got me addicted and Im determined, like I said Ive already spent 3 grand and still am a long ways away. I just want to thank all of you guys and a few ladies that have contributed and I will pass on something I learn if its not on this site but there is a lot of info on this site but Ill help in any way I can. If you could not read the previous post I was wondering if I could use Milrtyme Custom Lures as my name without any legal issues from Miller Beer. That was my nickname in high school so its kinda stuck with me. If anybody wants to tell me how to post a pic I would be glad for the help, I know the info is on this site I just have to find it. Thanks again. Any other name ideas are welcome to, I just want to include the Custom Lures in it. Im also studying the format here to, do you just click on attach files to add a pic or Im just going to have to find it and read it. Ok going to try a test a pic test. Should be a pic of a swimbait I poured recently. And the very first one I poured almost 2 months ago.
  10. Optional={option} and content=Thanks guys for the replies. I will try all the techniques you guys suggested and keep practicing and yes that was the pic of the swimbait longhorn made, looks very professional, I'm going to swith back to my laptop so I won't have all these spelling errors. If anybody has an iPad, you know what I'm talking about, this thing tries to correct a word that you type and putscan entirely different word in it's place. I havent had it that long, but thanks for the help.
  11. That's for replying Frank and Pitbull as soon as I figure out how to add pics I will, this iPad is a little different from the laptop so I will work on that. Nebyard is right on the money, that's what I was talking about, when I pour it usually sinks a little bit causing a crease in the top of the swimbait or if I over pour it takes me a while to trim it out and it does not look great, I know looks do not catch fish but I like to show my friends what I learn on tu. If it's technique I guess I'll have to keep trying but if there is a certain way to do it then any help would be appreciated.
  12. Since this is my very first post I would like to say that this is the most informational and the best site I have ever ran across about making fishing lures, equipment and just about everything you could imagine, most of you guys are great and if I could list everyones article I find interesting it would just take to long. Now to the question, it's probably been covered and it might be well a newbie question but when you pour a plastic swimbait how do you get the flat top of the swimbait to look so professional? Right now I just have a lure craft mold, can't remember the number but it is the one that is rigged for jig heads when you pour it, kind of like the yamamoto style, I've got the 894 on order , but every time I pour I have to trim around the top because I usually over pour and it looks like crap where your guys are always smooth around the top edges like longhorn for example. Is it just technique or is there a better way of doing it. I use an exacto knife but can never get it smooth. I've been bass fishing for close to 20 years but only in the last month or two I have had an interest in making baits and this site has fueled the fire, haha. I use an iPad for Internet connection so it will take me a while how to post pics and all that stuff but I just wanted to say thanks to the person who created this site and a big thanks to all you guys who participate.
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