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Anglinarcher last won the day on July 1 2022

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    Temp relocation to Eastern Nebraska
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    Fishing (all types), lure making, fly tying, archery, bowhunting.

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  1. Do you wear a respirator when pouring plastic and or lead?  I usually don't  But, I don't pour much. 

    1. Anglinarcher


      No, but I don't pour lead anymore and I never pour more then a half gallon of plastic at a time.

      Lead actually does not stay in your body that long, it does remove itself, and in reality you get more lead from not washing your hands before you eat after using it.  More people have lead in the systems from old water pipes in big cities than from pouring lead or reloading shotgun shells.  A dirty little secret that LA, NYC, Boston don't want you to know.  When I was doing Nuke clean-up they constantly stressed the need to wash your hands.  Yes, I poured a lot of lead, and had lots of screenings due to my clean-up work, and lead was never a problem.

      As long as you don't burn your plastic, I just don't see the need. 

    2. zx250


      Thank you. for the tips

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