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Everything posted by Anglinarcher

  1. I pour Alumilite White and then rotomold it by hand. Then I pour Alumilite 610 foam into the open bait. It gives more options so perhaps.....
  2. That would be a sweat jig head if they did.
  3. It does not eat the Alumifoams in any of their forms, ....... But.......... I was mixing some in thin very cheep styrofoam cups last year and after several minutes the bottom fell out of one right at the top line of the material I was mixing. It did not seem to "eat" it but it seemed to melt the cups. It probably was a case of both. I check several of the cups I had already used and the Alumilite White was set up and the outside of the styrofoam cups were fine and the cups were intact, except for the line inside that looked melted. Call Alumilite and ask. 1800-447-9344
  4. My best suggestion would to be to search out the following list. Amazon.com Avidbasstackle.com Barlowstackle.com Cedarrunoutdoors.com Custombaitsupply.com Dingerbaits.com ebay.com Getbitcustombaits.com Jannsnetcraft Luckycastlures.com luckycastlures/ebay.com Lurepartsonline.com Predatorbassbaits.com Sheltsfishingtackle.com wLure.com
  5. Welcome to the forum, it is always good to see new people. If you hover your mouse over Activity at the top right of this screen you will see a pop up screen. At the bottom is search. Click on search and enter your search words. You will get a lot of ideas for mold making material. Plaster of Paris is pretty common. Bondo has been used as well. But, if you are making floating jigs heads, knowing what material you will use would be valuable to help us direct you. Have fun with the search and welcome again to the site.
  6. https://lunkercity.com/products/hellgies?variant=32844500294 Not a mold, but some helgies.
  7. Even cliping weight on the front hook will work to start. I have superglued pieces of lead to the spots and then just popped them off. But, yes, you can just drill out a bunch of spots. Normally it is not enough to change it that much. As for the lip, I find that short/wide lips create more side to side wobble. Herters use to make a minnow called the Finland Minnow, a bad knock-off of the Rapala just after the Rapala started to gain distribution in the US. They had even wider, but shorter, lips. The style you have tends to give it more roll, but that is what Rapala wanted. Experimentation is the key. No one theory seems to answer all the questions.
  8. https://www.google.com/search?q=stonefly+nymph&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=TJmS1g9lBC_UBM%3A%2Cuc8rd3nUtjxcUM%2C_&usg=__5I8P756A-6V-agabJ8SDrUjFnmw%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiw-fW2rffYAhVL7GMKHTERDiAQ9QEIKzAA#imgrc=TJmS1g9lBC_UBM: All depends on how close you want it to look like it.
  9. Not with the ones I gave him. He may need to trim the post shorter, or put a tube through the bait and glue the post to the tube from both sides, but, ..........
  10. I don't want to limit you, but, That is a good starting point.
  11. Yes, it can and would work just fine.
  12. This might help. Amazon.com Avidbasstackle.com Barlowstackle.com Cedarrunoutdoors.com Custombaitsupply.com Dingerbaits.com ebay.com Getbitcustombaits.com Jannsnetcraft Luckycastlures.com luckycastlures/ebay.com Lurepartsonline.com Predatorbassbaits.com Sheltsfishingtackle.com wLure.com
  13. First, Wayne is dead on with this one, do one thing at a time. I think not. I would do thing one at a time, but less weight, not more, increases the action of lures. Also, the ballast should be centered around the forward hook on this style of lure, not near the rear. Can you give us a photo from the front of the lure? PS, I see you are new to us. Welcome to the site! It is good to have new people get involved.
  14. We were discussing WTP-Inc.com foils some time ago. I asked questions of them regarding the thickness of their foils. "Thank you for emailing us about the thickness of our tape products. As you are aware we have many different types of tapes, so it's hard to get the thickness for all of them. They can be anywhere from 4 mils to 10 mils thick of course the thicker the tapes are the harder they will be to apply to a curved product. The only product we would have that will take a curve is our Holoform tapes. The bulk Holoform tape is sold uncoated and is approximately 2.5 mils thick but the patterns and colors are very limited. I have been on the Tackleunderground.com site many times the work that some of the guys do is incredible and innovative. Keep up the good work. Please let me know if you have any additional questions. Thank you, Ron Warczynski" I offer the above for your use and review. Personally, I have interest in the Holoform items for sure.
  15. I like it, great idea. I would probably try to do several at a time so I did not use the expansive bags too fast, but I love it.
  16. Yes, but not intentionally to make it tougher. I have coated, cured, then came back and added highlights and recured. I never saw an improvement in toughness, but then I never saw a problem with the original toughness either.
  17. I have not seen a stonefly soft plastic, but then again I had not see a dragonfly nymph mold either until the following how to video. https://www.makelure.com/store/pg/54-How-To-Videos.aspx#prettyPhoto/117/ aulrich, that video should help you out.
  18. Great idea, but I see that it needs to be taller and the groves need to be wider, and I would make the wheel bigger to hold more options. Looks like a fairly simple project for the woodworkers here. I would do it for you but I and my wife sold all of my woodworking tools before our last move.
  19. He makes a bait that is designed specifically around that style of lip.
  20. Yes, it works pretty well. I try to keep the walls of the silicone as consistent as possible so the shrink or growth is even when I use a two piece mold. It does not need to be perfectly consistent, just the closer it is the better the results.
  21. Larry just responded to his site. He thinks "Might be on the workshop video". He includes a workshop video in the the starter kits Makelure has. I think Makelure also sells them. I am pretty sure I have one somewhere so I will look and see if I can find it. If I can, I will see if he will allow me to post that portion. In the meantime, you can check out the following to see the details he provided this time. http://asklarry.huntforbigfish.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=31828
  22. LOL, at my age, starting a new business is not in the works. Thanks for the vote of confidence though.
  23. Welcome to the forum. We are always happy to see new people. I don't know of a mold available, but I will bump this near the top so someone else can respond. I can tell you that it can be made using Silicone. I will attach a link so you can get your feet wet on the research. http://www.makelure.com/store/pg/54-How-To-Videos.aspx#prettyPhoto/47/
  24. Soft plastics tend to have their action near the rear so the added weight form the hard 3D eye up front has no impact at all. In fact, it lessens the need for some ballast or weight in many cases. I see no downside to using hard 3D eyes, and indeed use them myself many times. I found this link thanks to a TU member some time ago. http://lisaandedseyes.ipage.com/AnimalEyes.htm These can be pushed in and glued in place.
  25. No problem. Many many others have helped me over the last 50 years. I am just glad to help.
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