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  1. trying to make a drying wheel,found a motor but its about 13rpm,is this to much? Most ive seen on here are in the 1-3rpm range. i know where i can prob get microwave motor,maybe way to go. have some devcon 2ton now,am getting some etex,dont know if this makes difference in speed. also do you primer plastic cranks with something special,i was going to use opaque white createx, but not sure,have more questions than typing ability.thanks
  2. I've had trouble with this also,put pic in gallery & selected like,don't see anywhere to set as avatar,am i just missing it?
  3. thanks for info,have read so many post on this site there all running together,best place ive found for info,thanks
  4. First post,dont know if did it right.Iam new to lure painting,but trying to get started. From what ive read think i epoxy may be what will try first.working on building lure turner for drying. Got createx waterbase paint at hobbylobby and not sure if epoxy will work. thanks
  5. FishKiller


    Mike Miller 7.3lbs, LakeFork
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