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Cormorant Lures

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Everything posted by Cormorant Lures

  1. Please correct my if I am wrong, but from what I have read on here you can use normal everyday table salt if you grind it down in a coffee grinder... Seems like that would be the cheapest and most economical way to go... *TubeJig*
  2. How do you change your forum avatar and add a signature on here?
  3. Thinking about actually going with Lureworks new line of Pourasol... I have been reading about it in the forums and for the price it seems like a no brainer... Question is how do you know what type you should buy (soft, medium, or hard)? Don't most people buy the soft? Would you need to add an additive? How would salt content affect the softness?
  4. Another question or two or three... 15. I normally use a 4" senko for bass fishing... Do most people use a 5" senko? Are they more popular? 16. I have been reading that the Lurecraft one piece plastic senko mold is definately NOT the way to go even for a newbie... Does anyone have a two piece mold they are willing to sell me? 4" or 5" stick molds from Basstackle run about $62.00 plus shipping... Kinda rich for my blood... Can anyone help a newbie out with a good deal? 17. What is (are) the cheapest supplier(s) for glitter, color, and scents? Trying to get the best bang for my buck!!! Thanks again!!! *TubeJig*
  5. Looks like I finally got permission from my wife to start my new hobby... Now here are some more questions for you... I apologize in advance, I know these questions have probably been asked before... I have tried to search to find the answers, but I think just plain asking them will result in quicker answers... Anyways, here we go... 1. I think I am going to use M-F Plastic and some conversations on here say that Zeiners has the best prices? 2. People have also said that by using M-F Plastic you do not need to use additives, but you still want to use salt? 3. Am I on the right track with M-F Plastic or is Calhouns or Chemionics a good alternative? 4. I was going to make a two part Senko mold out of Fiberglass Resin, but I see that Lurecraft makes a nice one piece mold for Senkos. I know that the Senko will not be completely round, that being said, is that the easiest route to go for someone who is a newbie when it comes to Senkos? 5. The plastic molds from Lurecraft... Are they decent for the money? I noticed that they are really reasonable for the price. Are these the molds you guys call "RTV" molds? 6. How do you achieve a two colored bait by hand pouring? I have read on some of the posts about a "split pouring pan". Where can you buy a split pouring pan, or do you have to modify a standard pouring pan? 7. What does the term "laminate" mean? Is that where you pour two colors and they kind of mix together? 8. What are the most popular colors that I should be looking to purchase right from the get go (liquid color, and glitter)? 9. Is .015 glitter the most popular size? 10. What are the most popular scents? My guesses are anise, craw, and garlic... Any others? 11. Which is truly better... Microwave or melting stove? 12. Do you have to use an infrared thermometer? Aren't there normal thermometer options? 13. Is it easier, cheaper, and a better investment to buy pre-made molds or to make your own? The reason I am asking this question is because I was going to make a Fiberglass resin senko mold earlier today but realized it could end up costing me more money than it would to buy a pre-made mold (except aluminum of course). Am I right? 14. What do you do with the scents? Do you cover the finished baits when you package them or do you put the scent in the mold before you pour? Not sure on this one. I think that's all the questions I have for now... The quicker I get answers, the sooner I'll be buying supplies... Thanks again!!! *TubeJig*
  6. Hey Dave, Thanks for the information... Trust me when I say, I have read your reply, taken it all in, and I deeply appreciate it!!! As far as the whole tax mess is concerned, I have been involved with my in-laws business for almost 10 years... I would have no problems having the tax situation covered... But you're 100% correct when you BASICALLY said, I need to slow down, take a deep breath, and get this ball rolling in a simple but right direction... Thanks again!!! *TubeJig*
  7. Well here's the deal... Like some (most?) of you, I am married... Starting a new hobby that includes a "somewhat" hefty startup cost is always hard to get prior approval from the wife... Even for myself, it's hard to think that if I spend the money and pour a crap ton of baits that I myself am ever going to use them all... It would be nice to have information going forward to prove to my little lady love that there is some sort of "return of investment" besides all the baits that could sit around in my house and POSSIBLY not get used... Since the material to make these are not as cheap as I originally thought, it would be nice to think that people in my area would eventually like to buy them from me... I believe that this is not a far fetched scenario... I have buddies at work, and a step-dad that I know for sure would use them... I just hope that somewhere down that line "word of mouth" would spread like wildfire... For me, a hobby should not be something the necessarily drains all the money from your account and leaves you with a product that could see a whole bunch of shelf life... As for me, I don't believe that this will be the case... I should also say in my defense, I don't have plans on pouring hundreds of baits right from the get go, but I would pour some baits and give them to people to use just to get the "juices flowing"... The more replies and opinions I get, the better!!! Thanks again in advance!!! *TubeJig*
  8. Here's a question straight from a newbie... How many 4" or 5" senko type baits can you make out of a gallon of Plastisol? Oh and by the way, I have an ad in the "wanted section"... I have absolutely NO supplies what-so-ever... I am totally new to this excellent hobby... I love to fish, and even love more the thought of catching fish with baits I made myself.... I have jumped from site to site, checking out what each supplier brings to the table... It seems as though you need quite a bit of money to get started!!! A few hundred bucks doesn't seem to get you much... Am I wrong for thinking this way?!? Where I live, I believe I am in an "untouched market"... I don't think there are to many people around me pouring there own baits... There could be money to be made right here in my own backyard... I think I could market my baits quite well... Is the investment worth the risk?!? Let me know what you think... THANKS!!!
  9. [b]I am a newbie who is looking for a nice kit to start making my own soft plastic baits. Mainly interested in 4 - 5 inch senkos, centipedes (french fries), crawdads (crayfish), etc. I have checked quite a few of the lure making supply websites, but most of the kits are quite pricey. Looking to see if anyone on here has some extras they would unload for a fair price. Let me know what you got!!! THANKS!!! [/b]
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