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Everything posted by saltshaker

  1. I just told my wife that I was sellin' 'em on Craig's list for $100 each. When I received my last order of blanks....she counted 'em and said, "Hmmm.....$3,300."
  2. saltshaker

    baby blue

    Lemme guess.....blue's your fav color? Looks good, Clint.
  3. saltshaker

    7 Inch G Shad

    I think you did good, man. Nothing wrong with that bait at all.
  4. John, your work is amazing. Especially the snakes.....they are just a little too lifelike to suit me. Great work. Thanks for the glow paint info.
  5. Note that alot of the bills are detatched on the DT models. Ain't that hard to install, tho. If I can do it...anybody can.
  6. Thanks, Bob. I phoned the people but they were closed today. What about auto clears? You think they would block the charging process?
  7. First off, welcome to TU, the 8th Wonder of the World. By using the "Search" function, you can find a wealth of info to answer just about any question you have concerning airbrushing. As for the Rats, e-bay has several "lots" for sale. Here's one http://www.ebay.com/itm/45pc-Lot-Original-Rat-L-Trap-Lure-Bodies-1985-1994-Rattle-Trap-Floater-/350515518167?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item519c5a5ad7 Good luck.
  8. saltshaker

    brownie 2

    That looks really good, Clint. Would it be too much trouble to do a whole bait?
  9. I, too, have been wanting to try the glow paints. I have some questions, so, I think I'll give them a call tomorrow. Thanks to Bob for linkin' us up with that info.
  10. Max, looks like you're off to a good start.
  11. Bob, I would think that any clear coat would block the charging capabilities of the glow paint, as well.
  12. saltshaker

    threadfin shad

    That's the real deal right there.
  13. That sure sounds like a tedious, painstaking process, but, looks like you've mastered it. Those baits look great. I'm sure your info will help others that are interested.
  14. saltshaker

    The thing

    Clint, you musta had some leftover blue from that bait to the right.
  15. saltshaker

    IMG 0305

    The only thing that comes to mind is....WOW!
  16. saltshaker

    9.1 inch pike killers

    Trust me...there is nothing "standard" about your work.
  17. saltshaker

    kajiji2 021

    Those look alot like a Sammy. Nice job.
  18. saltshaker

    Perch Half Breed

    Absolute art, dude.
  19. A redfish would hammer the ears off them baits.
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