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Everything posted by saltshaker

  1. When I first got interested in painting baits, I used lacquer in rattle cans. I never tried the Dupli-Color in a quart can (only areosol). I was not pleased with the result because it seemed to never harden completely. As far as lacquer's compatibility with water based products.....the "rule" says if you're using lacquer...stick to lacquer. I do know that if you used a lacquer-based clear over a solvent-based paint...it will curl bigtime. Not sure about acrylic, tho.
  2. saltshaker

    fresh pics 026

    Might be a photo over foil. Bruce is a sackohell on that foil.
  3. It works on jerks, too. I've shortened the bill on a Bomber Long "A" many times. You can make it dive 8-10" instead of 2-3'. The more bill you take off....the less wiggle you'll have, tho.
  4. saltshaker

    The Joker Rig

    Bring that thing down here and I'll take ya where you can hook up with 5 redfish on one cast. Better hope your wires are snug.
  5. saltshaker

    Charmer Remake

    Green trebles would be the bomb.
  6. If this is the worst thing that happens to me....I'll be in good shape. TU is still the best site of it's kind on the interweb...no matter how many times I gotta click "back".
  7. saltshaker


    Them's purty, Brad.
  8. Same here. If I'm on a particular thread, I have to click on the "Forums" menu to go to another one instead of just back trackin'.
  9. saltshaker

    Tribute Lure

    Gotcha. I see the "greenhead" eyes now.
  10. saltshaker

    Tribute Lure

    Nice tribute. Whats the pattern, Patrick? I can't really tell.
  11. http://www.harborfreight.com/jumbo-helping-hands-with-led-lights-65779.html
  12. saltshaker


    Very unique, Adam. Nice lookin' piece.
  13. Patrick, all the new entries on your website look good.
  14. Looks good as always, Patrick.
  15. You wood carvin' guys must not have any hair on your arms. Just sayin'.
  16. I think we got guys that are just passionate about their hobby. It is extremely addictive. There are certainly some innovative minds here when it comes to the ins and outs of a fishing lure. Some of it is a bit overwhelming to me and, to be honest, quite mind-bogglin' at times. But, I love it!!!
  17. They are a hoot, Mark. Most of the time, no matter the time of year, they are in shallow water, but, they can still go. They can stand the colder temps and lower salinity much better than speckled trout....which are also fun to catch. I have seen a solid acre of redfish several times. It's referred to as "Red Tide". I think that's where they came up with "feedin' frenzy".
  18. MinnWax sells wood putty which is nothing but Bondo...same putty, same hardener.....same smell. Most hardware stores carry it.
  19. Mark, we fish for speckled trout and redfish. We usually remove the center hook (if they have one) because these fish almost always strike the head. I've caught reds that swallowed the bait so far that the front trebles were not in view. I thought the hooks could even face downward because there is usually nothing but open water...unless you're throwing over a shallow oyster reef. Personally, I've found that single hooks normally hold better than trebles on trout. Redfish really doesn't matter because their mouths are like leather. Just kickin' the idea around.
  20. Got mine today, but, haven't had a chance to experiment. They do look cool, tho.
  21. God Speed to his family and friends.
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