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Everything posted by saltshaker

  1. I was speaking about the hook size being more suitable...not necessarily the brand (VMC).
  2. Ben, I think you'll find those are the best fit for the 0.5. Good Luck.
  3. Andrew's business name is Cedar Run Outdoors.
  4. CopiedBaits4You, Dude, you can spin this however you want to try and justify what you've done, but, the simple fact is that you sought out my patterns and (basically) copied them. From your comments here on TU, I could tell that you were somewhat fascinated with my lures, but, I guess I didn't realize just how fascinated. I'm not real sure that this applies to "If you can't beat 'em...join 'em", however.
  5. I've been on a break from Ebay since back in late summer, so, I haven't been keeping up with the goings-on over there. Well, the past couple days I've been getting phone calls, texts and emails about how someone has (apparently) stolen my Ebay identity. I logged in last night and, I must say, I was a bit shocked at what I found. This had not only been using the identical patterns that I've used for years....he had also adopted my pattern names and copied my auction title and item description....almost to the letter. Now, the pattern stuff is no biggie. I don't care who uses those patterns. It's not like they're mine. The rest of the stuff did kinda piss me off, tho.....I ain't gonna lie. If this dude ever does start a company that designs and builds fishing lures....I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it turns out to be someone else's designs. I'm done.
  6. What Bob said...from the nose outward. Get ya some new tape and you'll be fine. Good Luck.
  7. I use a Q-Tip for kill spots cause I don't want 'em perfectly round...kinda like the ones on a fish.
  8. The opposite end of a drill bit, a nail head...many ways to do it. Pick the size you want and geaux at it.
  9. Phil. your site is 2cool....one of the best websites I've ever seen.....period. Good luck with your venture.
  10. When I fished the coast on a regular basis, we found, when using jerkbaits and topwaters, that the smaller the treble the better chance you had of landing that fish..so it seemed. The smaller hooks just never came loose...so it seemed.
  11. LOL!! Dang, Ben. I doubt you'd survive a redfish trip.
  12. s4il, I've used Diamond epoxy and then Etex on top of that. I used the Diamond because I was in somewhat of a hurry and didn't wanna wait on the Etex. Diamond "dries" at a much faster rate. If I weren't so satisfied with Etex...I'd give Diamond a permanent spot on my work bench. Oh, to answer your question...I didn't see any problems and haven't heard of any since. I don't make a habit of doing that, but, I do occasionally.
  13. I agree 100% with Bob on the Devcon vs Etex issue. My lures have been used all over Canada where some of the most vicious teeth reside and the feedback I've gotten about Etex is quite positive. Now that I coat the Etex with KBS...them teeth don't stand a chance. Etex is not quite as sissified as some may want to think.
  14. Sorry Mark...I just don't see the relation.
  15. Ben, there's a dude on Face Book named Andrew Peters. Great guy and you'll have a rough time beating his prices on quality trebles. I just bought 1000 #6 KVD Triple Grips from him and could not believe it when I got the invoice. Check him out. Good Luck!!
  16. What size are those barrel swivels?
  17. Never seen one close to a Long "A". Did you contact PRADCO in Ft. Smith?
  18. I'm pretty sure that the major sellers...Predator, Dakota and such, all get their products from a China-based outlet. Maybe not all from the same one, tho, as I've noticed a difference in their blanks. IMO, if you can't trust Jim @ Predator...you're pretty much out of luck.
  19. LOL! Me too, Skeet. I'm already married.
  20. I agree totally with what Sonoman said...and his reasoning is precisely why I do it the way I do. If I truly considered myself an "artist"....I still don't think I'd be able to compete with imagery. In fact, I know I wouldn't...I've tried. I would think that most buyers would be able to tell the difference between a "custom painted" lure and one that involves some type of imagery. I've had painters and accomplished fishermen alike ask me if mine are "custom painted". To me, I must be doing something right if they have to ask.
  21. Mark, it's them Cali fish...they're different.
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