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Everything posted by Lngnokr71

  1. Good, thought I might have done something wrong. I have Devcon 2 on it's way, what are the differences between the two?
  2. I top coated my 1st two lures today and came to one conclusion, I need to make a lure turner. No exaggeration, I sat and turned the 1st lure in my hands for an hour and 1/2. Got to thinking that maybe I didn't mix the two parts of the E-tex long enough so after applying top coat to the second lure I continued to turn that lure in my hands for 2hrs before I could get it to stop running. Might I applied the top coat too thick or could it have something to do with the extreme heat and humidity in Kansas?
  3. Ok So I purchased some Envirotex and I just about ready to top coat, just had one last question thought. FF indicated that the heat gun will remove any air bubbles when mixed, so do you hit the lure after coatings with the heat gun and for how long and......... how long do you wait in between coats with Envirotex??
  4. Ok, so I ordered some 30 min clear Devcon 2, now I just need to know how to apply it. Do you brush it on and is there a certain type of brush to use? if brushed on does it leave a smooth finish or might you be able to see brush strokes?
  5. So I'm currently waiting for Dick Nite to email me back an invoice so I can get some S81. In the meantime what else will work that is more accessible? I saw on his site that he refers to a two part epoxy. I have some Blem two part epoxy that I use to install golf shafts, it's clear and sets in 5 minutes, will this work? Is there something I might be able to get at my local hardware store?
  6. Lngnokr71

    vINCE gILL 002

    Painted this with a broken needle tip, which made things easy, NOT!!!!
  7. The HI LINE CH definitely sounds like a great brush and is under consideration. The Badger brushes also look and sound pretty sweet, has anyone had the chance to compare Iwata airbrushes to the Badgers and if so what did you think. Fleebay has a listing for a Sotar 20/20 for just over $200 new?
  8. Ok so recently I bought a Master airbrush, and although it's ok, I feel I need an upgrade. I plan on painting baits for awhile and I'm sure I'll get better so I want a really nice airbrush. If you had $200 to spend on a brush which one would you purchase and why?
  9. Lngnokr71

    2nd ever crank

    Ben, I've always had the ability to draw. I have always taken art classes in school, even won an art scholarship at the Kansas city art Institute during my ninth grade summer. Believe me me when I say that the airbrush has been a challenge but definitely fun. Thanks for the kind words. Now if I can just get Dick Nite to email me back I can get some S81 and finish these babies.
  10. Lngnokr71

    2nd ever crank

    Baby bass
  11. Lngnokr71

    My 1st custom crank

    1st time with airbrush, not as easy as I thought!
  12. Just curious what everyone's preferred fishing line for Bass is. I've used Trilene XL for years but just this year started using braid and I've got mixed feeling about it. I do most of my fishing from the bank and I'm always casting to tight spots such as submerged logs or trees or that certain spot where it just looks like a big one might hang out at. Occasionally I get hung up and with mono it's not hard to break off but with braids that a different story. With braid I seem to have to cut off the line not far from my rod and intern I loose quite a bit of line. I'm thinking about switching to a fluorocarbon, what are your thoughts.
  13. Lngnokr71

    Spring is here!

    That is one FAT hog!!!
  14. Lngnokr71

    Angry Baits

    where did you get the angry eyes?
  15. OOPS, I meant I bought this before I read reviews.
  16. As the description says this St croix AFT 905 fly rod is priced to sell quick at $ 150.00 paypalled and shipped. This rod was purchased in Colorado when I lived there at REI for well over $200.00. It has been lightly used, maybe 4 times if even that.
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