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Everything posted by crzyjunyer

  1. i dont think solutions could come from a better place of thought - i like the cost on that fix as well
  2. crzyjunyer

    Foil Tape

    from the specs ive read online from the manufactures pages nashua 322 foil tape is the same thickness as the brite back and it can be found at home improvment/repair stores - i work as a hvac tech so i get it from our local parts house and it is thinner than some but super sticky and has good strength as well - its also available in diffrent widths also - i have 2" and 3" on my work van
  3. we already have an older hbird unit up front on the trolling motor for tempurature and depth so its not a big issue for us since the new unit will be for side imaging and gps mainly mark ive played with both of them in bass pro on demo mode and i liked the lowrance unit better to me - it may be becuase im more used to it from having newer toys like a driod, ipad, and such from what ive found i can get the newer lowrance unit for $90 more including the lss1 unit and me and dad both likeed the features and display on it better than the hbird one - we both really liked the display size (and over all size) and format better on the lowrance too - it just seems to be a better unit all around for what we wanted
  4. i know right now they are runnin a rebate offer on them (til feb 12) of up to $200 back depending on which unit you get - rumor going around is that they are gong to offer a rebate on the new gen2 stuff mid-feb and possibly slash prices on the gen1 stuff - but i dont know for sure i think me and dad have decided on the lowrance unit - they just have some new features and i really liked the menu on it better myself when we went to bass pro and played with them side by side - we also like the more square design better plus a better warranty - cost between the 2 was only $100 on the best deals i have found online ($1250 bird or $1350 low)
  5. yea - we already planned on a ram mount (the $100 one) since our boat is too old for a in dash mount plus we plan to turn it around to face the front deck for now to see it while fishing since another unit isnt in the budget at the moment i think both actually have external gps antenna's and we have room to mount them no problem so its really a nonfactor for us
  6. im hoping to get some opinions and comparisons from some of yall that have had experience with these units - i know the gen2 lowrance units are newer though. My dad and I have decided to break down and buy a side imaging unit for our boat and with our budget these are the 2 best units in it we have found. Right now i like the price better on the 'bird but we like the size better on the lowrance since the hbird unit is nearly a foot wide and kinda limits our mounting places. The mapping on either isnt a big issue since we plan to get navionics with either one. From my google research so far in a lot of ways its a ford/chevy loyalty fight it seems on these units so im wondering if anyone on here has any more insight as to diffrent features/detractions from these units from a more neutral point of veiw
  7. what kind of paint are you using or looking for ? i know createx and auto air both have tranparent yellows. you can also reduce most wicked colors down to make them transparent
  8. sounds like you have some paint clogging the needle - its happened to me before after doing that - what works for me is i have an old bent needle i use to clean it with and work the paint clog out with along with a fine tipped paintbrush
  9. idk if it is or not - i got to finally use it the other day - me and dad took the opportunity on a warm day to go run and exercise the boat and try it out and i was blown away at how sensitive it was - i was thowing a jig with a paca chunk on it and i could feel the vibration off the flippers when reeling it in - i was amazed at how much i had been missing on using what i had thought was a pretty good rod before ( old shimano samuri)
  10. i usually only do about 10-15 at a time but i do have somewhat of a general idea of what i want to do so when im adding say an orange side on one lure i can add a orange belly spot on another and things like that so im not cleaning my cup from one color just to go back to it soon again - it just saves me time and paint and cleaning material i do a lot of "winging it" as i go too though and maybe add something extra to a lure but overall i kinda like to step back and have a decent game plan before i start so i dont waste time or money
  11. ive had no problems painting over lead with createx - ive repainted several spinner bait heads as well as new jig heads to get the color/look i wanted - as far as what type to use for base coat you will want to go with an opaque (white or black usually) and then its personal preference on paint after that - opaques usually cover in one coat over a base where transparents take multiple coats if they ever completely cover - i use a combination of the two (even mixed together at times before spraying) to get the look i want on my cranks - opaque or transparent is just how well light goes through to see whats under it - think of it like this - an opaque is like a frosted glass since you really cant see though it and a transparent is like tinting the window - you can see through it but it has a slightly diffrent shade
  12. i like to take ideas from others and factory lures i like and have good results with and then just modify them a lil bit or add something diffrent to make it stand out from the other guys using the factory lure - ill be honest - i get most of my lure patterns by flipping through a bass pro catalog and go from there - a few i just tinker around with out of boredom and others i like just from going "i wonder what happens when....."
  13. i bought some of the uvglow base wicked paint and was not pleased with it at all - got little to no clow out of it after a day in the sun or under a blacklight - so beware of it and steer away
  14. i cant help you with the rolling issue for sure but from what ive learned and read on here id say it was a weighting issue paint is all up to you and your imagination - ive only been doing this myself since august or so but ive learned alot from on here as well as trial and error - i started out using createx, then tried some of the created "wicked" line, and have now moved to auto air since it lays so much better as long as you are careful and use multiple thin coats (otherwise it will fish-eye) - with any paint ive tried its all trial and error for a bit to get a "feel" for how it sprays and paints getting the air pressure, trigger control, and paint consistancy down - my reccomendation is to maybe start off with createx or wicked and paint cardboard or somehting to get a feel for the airbrush and practice some and then start with simple 2 tone paint jobs just to get a feel for it - ive caught several fish on simple color patterns of one darker over a lighter base faded in short of it is be patient and practice and use your imagination and try to recreate favorite patterns or new ones - good luck and enjoy !!
  15. i hope so - its by far the most iver ever put into a rod - i may still go back and get the falcon later - i relly liked it too
  16. i ended up going with a st croix avid 6'8" medium x-fast - i went to bass pro and held every one i considered minus the tourny st croix - the gloomis gl2 was just heavier and didnt feel as "lively". the 2 had the hardest debate over was the falcon cara t7 and the st croix. what ended my debate simply came down to i like the cork grips on the st croix better than the foam on the falcon, even though im sure the foam faclon uses is probably much better than the one im used to on old quantum sticks from walmart i did a lot more research and google searching and kinda ruled out the carrot sticks and ducketts - ducket has had trtouble with guides fraying lines and ive ehard of several breaking carrot sticks as well
  17. i normally stay in the hard baits section here but im looking for some advice/suggestions on a new rod for worm and jig fishing. im looking in the $150-200 range and want as sensitive and best value as i can get in a rod in that range. ive been looking at one in the 6'6"- 7'2" range on length with 3/16-3/8 oz sized lures (maybe evn up to 1/2oz). some of the ones ive been lookng at are gloomis gl2's, st croix avids, ducket micro guides, carrot stix, shimano crucial, and falcon t7. i am open to other options im not aware of as well as to custom rods. i do want a lightweight rod and would prefer one with a lifetime warranty if im going to spent this much on a rod.
  18. thanks - i love the effect it has too - i was a lil dissapointed in it til i clearcoated it - it had a muted sparkle until the clear and then it just jumped out at you after
  19. thanks - you really cant see it in the pic but i do have some sparkle under it as well
  20. thanks - no fancy tools for it since it was a textured lure and i just foiled over it and smoothed it out 90% with my thumbs and used a swiss army knife handle to finish and get the edges and gill area down
  21. i forgot to add that i do have the exhaust fan running during this and when i remodeled my bathroom i vented it to the outside instead of just the attic like most
  22. i normally just use the 4011 reducer with auto air paints and the wicked reducer for wicked and standard createx paints - ive looked at maybe trying home made reducers but ive been pleased with the mfg's reducers and am beginning to have a good feel for the paint consistancy using them so im a lil gunshy to change
  23. i started using a ppg auto clear (shop line) and absolutely love it - its a 2:1 clear (2 parts clear :1 part activator). Im spraying it at home and am using my gravity feed eclipse (.5 tip) to spray it with no problems for the small number i clear at a time (up to 15). i did get a good organic vapor mask to spray in and i use gloves as well for protection. i normally spray 3-4 coats on mine with no sanding or anything but a flash time in between coats. leaves a super thin and briliant shine to the lures adn really makes pearls, metallics, and flakes pop, especially in the sunlight. i have a dedicated "big mouth" bottle i use with it and i normally use 12 tsp total clear/activator for 15 lures at 3-4 coats each so it goes pretty far for your money IMO. i am very careful with it and always use my mask and gloves as well as make sure nobody (or my dog) is around me wwhen i spray and clean my airbrush immediatly and thoroughly when im done to protect it from ruin. i just have a 2x4 with clothes pins d2t'ed to it for a spray/dry rack and when im done spraying them i put them in my spare bathroom on the counter and set a electric space heater on the floor and leave it running over nite to "bake" the clear coat and help it finsih curing. i live alone so i have that luxury -lol
  24. trans blue over auto air fine aluminum base
  25. my first foiling attempt - trans blue over a/c tape
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