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Everything posted by Juice780

  1. This is what I use. It's similar to dn and hard to store but it's cheaper and doesn't yellow. http://www.poolandmarinepaint.com/index.php?l=product_detail&p=241
  2. I've been using d2t to install my hook hangers and bills. But I have been having to order it because I can't find it anywhere near me. Is there another epoxy I can use that is just as strong or stronger that I can get at a local store like lowes, ace or hobby lobby. Thanks
  3. Juice780

    Long "A" Wake

    Nice I've thought about making some like that. Looks similar to the buckeye wake bait. How much weight did you have to put in the bait to make it run properly
  4. Juice780


    I see what you mean but if you have ever looked at Brian bees prop baits his props are all pointed in the same direction
  5. Juice780


    Yeah they spin the same direction but the ones I've bought are made the same way and it seems to work good. Should the blades be spinning in the opposite direction?
  6. Juice780


    this is the first prop bait i have made and the first time i have tried painting a bluegill pattern
  7. I've painted that pattern before to get the copper gold color start with yellow then add pearl gold and a small amount of light brown and should be close. I use createx paint. The scale patern is hard to duplicate I normally spray a little orange across the back then use dark brown and it's pretty close. The shad raps I have are more of a dark brown back with dark brown scales.
  8. Custom handmade flat sided balsa crankbaits.
  9. Thanks for the info does this stuff keep well after its dissolved
  10. Well I just got my Propionate in the mail and it says to put 1 oz into a jar and fill 3/4 of jar with acetone. My question is what size jar pint or quart? I already measured my propionate out into 1 oz portions. My instructions say to mix up 2 jars one thin and one thick. Can I just mix up one jar of thin and dip multiple times in that? And I was wondering if I can use a lure turner with this stuff. Thanks for the info
  11. Yeah I think that's where I got mine from
  12. I have a mold thats identical to a rage craw if anyone wants it I don't pour plastic any more
  13. Juice780


    I remember talking to a guy a while about top coats and he said a lot of builders use Fabulon for a top coat. Has anyone had any experience using this? I was wondering if u would have the same issues with storage as you would with mcu. I tried doing a search of this stuff but didnt find much. Here is a link showing all the kinds they make if I where to try it which one should I try? http://www.lewiscontractorsales.com/fabulon.html
  14. these are my first attempt at painting plastic bodies and i have a few questions about when i put the topcoat on. I dip in a MCU similar to dick nites and should i leave the tape on the bills when i dip and should i put the eyes on or after i topcoat? Thanks for the help
  15. sounds good i think i will give it a try, i am looking for something a little harder than sanding sealer that i can dip and this sounds like it might be it
  16. Yeah I always make sure the sanding sealer is fully dry before I paint and I haven't any problems but I always like to try different methods to see what works best fore me, I also use a lure turner when I use sanding sealer, I know a lot of people just hang and dry but a lure tuner will give you a thicker and more even coat. I dip twice let it dry for a day then sand them smooth then dip 3 more times and you get a bait as smooth as glass
  17. i only want to use it as a sealer not a topcoat. i was just worried when i paint and heatset that i might have bubbles, i ran across this problem when i used epoxy as a sealer but since i've switched to sanding sealer i havent had any bubbles
  18. Juice780


    I was browsing through eBay and ran across a guy selling Propionate pellets and was thinking of trying some out. I have a few questions how hard does this stuff dry and how many coats do people normally use? I paint with createx and heat set with a heat gun, will I get air bubbles? I currently seal with sanding sealer and I get zero air bubbles. I do a lot of lures at a time so please don't recommend epoxy thanks
  19. I have the craftsman one you can get at sears, i think its around 140. Works great and seems to be well made and it has a lazer to show where you are going to drill, i dont use it much but its a cool feature if want to use it.
  20. Well my old sander died today and Im in the market for another one and I've been looking at this one http://homedepot.digby.com/homedepot/product/detail.do?itemId=100061671&categoryId=&path= anybody use this one? I need one that will hold up because I do a lot of baits at a tIme
  21. Juice780

    fat J

    i think im going to drop the price to 9.99, they have been selling ok at locat tackle shops for 13.99 but i see alot of guys on ebay are selling their baits for less and with the shipping i'm gonna low the price for online sales
  22. Juice780

    fat J

    i have it for sale on ebay
  23. Juice780

    fat J

    © carolina custom crankbaits

  24. Juice780

    big money

    tapp style bait lime craw color
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