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Everything posted by Juice780

  1. ok i think i have found one of my problems, i am building my lures in the basement of my garage and there is no ac down there and i live in NC and it is very humid right now so i guess this explains my problem of my epoxy drying so fast and i have little time to work with it. What kind of effects will the heat and humidity cause me when i am airbrushing? I might have to move it to the basement of the house to do my sealing and painting its nice and cool in there and just do my cutting and sanding in the garage.
  2. hey guys i just started making my own crankbaits and ive found this website very helpful. i bass fish alot and i want to make several baits of certain colors in case i loose some or they get damagened, so i always want to have plenty of backups. i was wondering what you guys might suggest as a sealer for my crankbaits before i paint. ive made a few and use slow curing epoxy like most on here, cant get d2t around here so i use 30 min cure epoxy from hobby town. i want to make around 10 at a time and that stuff sets up too quick before i can get em all sealed and have to mix again and again, is there something i can use and just dip them in instead of epoxy. i normally dont like cutting corners and making cheap stuff so i still want it to be hard and durable. ive read some that some people use proportinate and from what i have read its plastic pelets mixed with acetone, not sure if thats right but if it does a good job i might try that but i havent been able to find a recipe for it. i also have some questions about the tim earick video on youtube, im sure most people on here have watched it and i think he dips his baits in someting to seal, looks like a homemade solution in a mason jar. when he paints the crankbait in the video looks like he does his stencil on one side then imediatley flips it over and does the other side if i did that mine would smudge because i use createx and have to heatset it so i wont smear the paint anyone know what he uses. he makes some good looking baits and i would like mine to look like that but i need alot more practice on my painting skills there not too good. i emalied tim and asked some questions but he hasnt emailed me back yet. well guys i hope this isnt too long and not too many questions any advice would be much apprecitated. thanks p.s heres a pic of the first bait i have painted looks pretty rough so i cut out a bunch more to practice, theres no belly weight in it yet
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