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Matador Customs

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Everything posted by Matador Customs

  1. Cool. Im gonna have to try it out. Will denatured alchohol work too ?
  2. How do you thin out etex. And is etex the same as Envirotex?
  3. Thanks for taking the time guys. My version of the slammer Is just about complete. I primed it yesterday joined it and took it for a soak in the bath tub, not ideal i know. I put on all the hardware and and started to do some sweeps across the tub. It floats fine ofcourse but didnt swim At all. I ended up taping 1/16 split shots to the front and rear close to the joints and added more until it began To swim in a decent S motion. Still more testing to come.
  4. i recently started building my own swimbaits and had some good luck so far. right now im working on an ms slammer type replica. i hate to copy other peoples lures but im interested and attracted to this type of lure.has anyone attempted this feat before and came out succesful? i would like to know some basic stuff like total lenght, lenght of segments, and of course ballast placement.
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