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    San Francisco

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  1. ING


    IMHO the main parameter of swivel (after strength) it is torque moment - minimal effort cause rotating. It is depending from friction provided by design and technology.
  2. Good idea! Interesting: how it will work with French blade? What kind of jig head you are using? Usually head attaching to line on the top of the head. How do you connect head to wire? Is it ridged connection? Thank you
  3. ING

    Inline Spinners

    Good enough and not so expensive
  4. Looks gorges ! For me. Now main question: how it is attractive for fish in the field test.
  5. From my experience vast majority of salmon and steelhead fisherman using in-line spinners with clevises - not PM. Basically it is Mepps flying "C" and Blue Fox.
  6. ING

    More Weight-Forward Spinners

    Spinners very interesting. I am surprised why weight- forward sinners don't using wide. Great idea, lot of advantages but never have seen them in the stores. May be they not so prodactive vs. regular? What results of yours testing?
  7. Thank you again! I completely got the idea. I have not too much experience in the working with lead and molds – only made big size sinkers. Could small size of inlets (diameter 1/4", length 1.5-2") create problems? I mean that lead could harden before penetrating all way down and clogged the inlet? May be has a sense to create channels from top to sides and made double sinkers?
  8. Thank you, Ben! I’ve got it. So I have to pour the lead from the top through narrow space near central wire and retain that wire by pliers to prevent it’s shifting. Mold has been somehow heated to prevent clogging of inlet when I start pouring. I’m right?
  9. Thank you Ben! If I understand right, the drilled pieces of angle iron should be placed on the sides of mold. Right?
  10. Thank you Mark! Looks like it could work. 1” of ¼” diameter lead wire, according my calculation, should weight approximately 0.53 oz and I could adjust the weight by changing length. I've already ordered it. TA Thanks everybody! I've got a lot of useful ideas!
  11. Thank you guys! Probably, I have to do it myself from rubber.
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