First of all, I am new to this forum and I just wanna say hi to everyone. I'm gonna rely on you guys for a lot of information and help so I might as well get to know you guys. This is my story.
I started fishing about 4 months ago, and I fell in love with it. Im 17 years old, and I would really like to start making my own tackle. Its not really for saving money, but I don't have any hobbies besides my new found love for fishing. I have done some research on making lures and everyone loves doing it that does it. I just need to know how to start out and simple tips would be awesome. I don't have a huge income but I do have a lot of my dads stuff I can use. Anyhow, I need to know simple stuff. Assume I'm an idiot and need details haha. Im really excited to start this. I have done some research but Im still new to it.
I need questions answered such as the following
Wood: What kind to use? What Dimensions and specifications of a typical lure would be awesome. A diagram of a lure would be really nice too if you guys know where I can find one.
Painting: What should I start to think about buying? An airbrush? I have absolutely no expierience in airbrushing but I would love to learn it. Air Compressor? I have an air compressor at my house but its pretty big (like a foot in diameter the tank is) Is that to big and powerful? Also, what kind of paint do I need?
Hooks: How should I attach the hooks? I know theres certain screws with like circles in them what are those called?
Bill: How do I install this on the lure? When should I install this?
Carving: How much is actually required? I know to get the basic shape you need to but how hard is that to do? Could it also be done by a power sanding machine and round it? How do you even carve wood?
Im in rough shape but ANY INFORMATION you can share with me is an amazing help. Again, I can't wait to get started but first I need to atleast know what I'm hoping to be doing. Thanks guys. Don't limit your answers to the questions above anything that helps me is great!