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Everything posted by crankpaint

  1. sounds like you need to weight it with a belly weight it is trial and error but most of the time the weight is put just in front/back of the hook hanger or were the hook hanger is on smaller bait for longer baits in might take two or three to find out how much weight just clamp a split shot to the hook and try that to see if cures the rollout on your bait if works then drill a hole just big enough to put the split shot in and epoxy in place let it dry and fillthe rest of the hole withfiller and reseal the bait and paint, as for paint all the ones you stated in your post will work,there all water base paint or you can go to wal-mart ,hobbie shop,craft store and pick up some foke art paint thats water base too and use that(its cheaper to buy then air brush paint) just thin/reduce it till its about like milk, as for colors get the basic ones like white,black,green,yellow brown becouse you can mix them to make about any color,you can practice on paper towel layed out on some cardboard to get a feel for your airbrushs then buy you a few differnt style plastic bait and paint them,you can wash the paint off if you dont like it and spray it again and again
  2. I picked up some doliar store future want to be and im likeing it mixing 60/40 with 10 drops of glycerin paints run thru my airbrush great compared to befor e when i just thinned with water,best part is the price $2.00
  3. crankpaint


    Close up of the gift exchange lure i received from gene thanks again gene
  4. received this great looking lure in the secret sander gift exchange along with the T.U. Stickers for the truck
  5. I also received my bait today and it was great ,also want to thank you for the T.U.stickerS thanks again gene i'll post a pic tonight in the hard gallery of the bait and stickers
  6. welcome to the underground,as for questions alot can be answered just by reading the tutorials on here but if you still have a question just post it and you will get replys im sure!!!btw i lived in cheboygan mi for 10 plus years too
  7. crankpaint

    three amigos

    Is there lead inside them too?
  8. The tutorial on swim bait making is great and will help out alot in making yours swim right,I think if you sent tater a message he will let you know if he sells any baits,most of us sell a few baits a year to help out with cost...
  9. picked these up a few years back at harbor fright for about ten bucks work great for weighing top coat (e-tex / d2) can be weighed in oz,grams ect... and you can subtract the weight of your cup so all your weighing is the top coat just thought it might help others who have prob. getting the top coat right..
  10. i use sanding sealer over my wood baits and then foil over that then use a 400 grit sand paper on the edge of the foil to smooth it out works well for me then i paint and seal with acrilic clear out of a can, let it dry and top coat with e-tex???
  11. is the popper concaved in the front or flat?concaved works better becouse it catchs the water, flat pushes water out of the way so you won't get as much pop,as for the swim bait a steeper sloping face may work better for you as it will push the bait under water alittle more so will moving the line tie up on the flat face of the bait, as you have it now your trying to pull the bait underwater so the bait will swim but the line tie is keeping the front of the bait pulling up toward the rod tip.think of a bill on a bait and where its line tie is its at a mid to 3/5 of the bait hight on top water baits like walk the dog types its on the lower front to keep it working (trying to swim)as it displaces water thats what makes it swim water pushed out of the way running along the side of the bait pushing it side to side so if you put the line tie up on the flat i think that would work better for you imo you asked for a beating nice looking bait thou
  12. I knew you guys would pic it apart till you could give him a color breakdown
  13. Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy New Year Too
  14. i tryed that mark all it will do is ball up
  15. so how do i make the reducer with future floor wax? i'll try them both
  16. Just found a recipe for reducer as follows 12oz distilled water 4oz denatured alcohal 4oz amonia free window cleaner 10 drops glycerin the guys swear by it some have used it for over 10 years i'm going to give it a shot,but was wondering what you guys/gals use for your paint?
  17. I've used it on a few baits ,like ben said it works on flat sided baits really well if you super glue it down i get no wrinkles that way and you can chang the look of it by what you use as a base coat under it but it won't change much the gold/silver halograme maylar makes a good color and flash on the baits theres a bait i called thin shad in the gallery thats made this way,it was a test bait that i thru together to check how to weight a thin bait as for rounder baits you can use it but have to hold the maylar till the glue drys and can hold it in place,Then cut the extra off the bait alot more work then foil time wise,I'm still trying a few other things to see if its worth using I'll post my findings under the post i made about the tissue paper in hard baits
  18. Looks like the smallmouth bass baits that are posted in the gallery by bassinbrad ,really close anyway im sure it can be copyed by a few of the people on here,basic bone color with a brown back?
  19. Theres alot of people on here that build lures for pike/musky i'm sure a few of them will part with them if the price is right ,Or you can start making your own and sell the extras to the local tackle shops and fishermen and woman?theres alot of info on here on how to make,paint and seal baits for all types of fish good luck in your quest
  20. It looks like a plastic version of a little george
  21. in the ohio valley its the natral gas boom going on here and the stuff thay pump down the well to crack the shale that has me worryed it will get into the ground water sooner or later then any water wells drilled will be worthless for human drinking and maybe more then that?who knows in the long run we all lose!! there even drilling on public hunting land that my hunting lisence helps pay for and told me i wasnt allowed to hunt this last spring for turkeys becouse of the drilling i told them kma i was hunting and if that wanted to press it go ahead i would see them in court,Thay let me go hunting and left me alone,why?becouse in this area about everone hunts or fish to keep the family fed and alot of the other land thay drill on is leasted for drilling rights and if you piss someone off around here everyone knows about it and you will be told no you can't drill really fast so thay keep there mouth shut so as to not piss off the locals.... just my two cents
  22. do you paint them after the first top coat?then add two more coats? nice baits you have the pike down pat there
  23. crankpaint

    Minnesota Smallie

    the bass should be eatting that one up brad and pike too so you might want a little wire on it if you fish it up north...
  24. nice bait for sure there,some of the best looking photo baits i've seen for crappie!!!! another great looking bait bbman
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