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Everything posted by crankpaint

  1. i cut my foil edge after i glue it so i can cut it at an angle so its really thin on the edges shows almost no seam
  2. I clean with water between colors and windex and water at the end of the night i put the water into a bottle from my wifes contact cleaning sulition as it has a small hole and i can spray a high pressure stream of water to help get the paint out and off the inside of the bowl
  3. you can get a moisture trap at the local auto parts store or home depo/hardware store same with the pressure regulator and screw them on where the air hose screws on the air compressor then screw on your air hose you might need fittings for between the two to hook them together but the people at the store can help if your not sure what you need most of the time its just a short peice of 1/4 in or 1/2 inch pipe threaded on both ends and screwed into the regulator/moisture trap to let them do there job and another peice of pipe to screw your air line in
  4. glad it worked out for you,I'm going to carve a few baits and base coat them a few diff. colors and see what i can come up with on a few baits i'll post a pic after i finish them
  5. crankpaint

    three amigos

    nice job on those rigs how did you form the heads plastic or lead?
  6. crankpaint

    Cherry crank

    nice paint job should catch a few fish,as for the ice prob. you could cut a loooooong hole with a chain saw and crank that baby down....
  7. I made the blank out of wood and weighted it along the bottom edge by drilling holes thru the blank becouse the bottom edge is so thin,i did most of the shaping on my belt sander look up alwives on the web and copy the shape of it for a fast shape to work with
  8. crankpaint

    Tribute Lure

    nice trubuite to him and may he rest in peace
  9. look ready for the frying pan, great looking baits once again
  10. and the closer it gets to deer season the less hair we have on our arms and at least a little leg too lmao
  11. i posted a picture in the gallery of a bait that should work for that its 6 inchs long an about two inchs deep by 1/2 inch thick you can make one easy enought
  12. crankpaint

    thin shad

    did a quick foil wake bait using the foil i found at the dollar store it has some wrinkles in it but looks good the lures thin only 1/2 inch thick by 6 inchs long and 2 1/4 deep drilled holes thru it along the bottom to weight it and filled with lead then filed the lead down and sanded smooth sealed it then foiled with lock tite spray glue don't know if thats what caused the foil paper to wrinkle ? but it was a test bait so i just e-tex over it to see if it would work,works great
  13. You might try a router table with a v groove bit its about a 30 deg angle and can be repeated over and over just make a master out of scraps
  14. the other thing is to use light coats of paint alittle at a time till you get the color you want don't paint it all at once in a big glob of paint,thats were the paint will bleed under the stencel/tape
  15. for the first question you can use foil or paint,foil comes in alot of diff. color combos and can be glued on theres alot on the hard bait fourm just search (foiling baits) should get you in the ball park,as for painting them airbrushing is the way to go as you can get alot of diff. looks by the way you paint them,as for recipes chech in hard bait fourm at the top of the page for painting recipes for lures and if you have any you would like to share post them in the recipes as this is a great site to help others
  16. crankpaint

    baby pike tail

    you paint some great looking baits that looks outstanding
  17. at the trophy gallery all i get is the brouse button i click it and click on the pic i want to upload and don't get the upload?or review and publish? anyone else having this prob.??
  18. i used to have that happen on broken back rebels walleye fishing and a few baits i have made did it to i found that by moving the front hook back just 1/4 to 1/2 inch will cure it in 99% of the cases on the rebels we just removed the front trebel hook
  19. made a quick bait today to see how the tissue works i can pull it tight around curves but have to hold it till the superglue drys,also it can be pullled off as it leaves a part of the color on the bait so the maylar is useable on round baits but you might have to cut slits in it in some areas on the bait.but it glues down well so it give you another way to foil a bait,also the colored tissue/maylar is transparent to a degree so any color you put under it makes the colors different(with a white undercoat the red/green also had a blue tint to it ) the gold prizim is silver prizim on the back so you have a silver or a gold from the same pack .... so theres alot of uses for tackle making imo I'll be using it a little more at 4 sheets for a buck at the dollar store i can't go wrong
  20. I opened it up it is a maylar type plastic tissue/film so i'm going to see if i can form it with a little heat from the blow dryer?I'll let you know how it works
  21. crankpaint


    close up of the same copper bait
  22. crankpaint

    copper bait1

    Heres a repaint of a deep diving rebel silver paint undercoat tan sides copper back and stripes let me know what you think so i can improve my baits,getting a new awita airbrush soon so that should help!!!
  23. found some neat colors in tissue paper at the local dollar store so i'm going to see if the colors show thru on a bait after top coating heres the pics of the paper
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