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Everything posted by retrobass

  1. Where can I order some? Can't seem to find them in any of the lure making stores online. Thanks
  2. Not to hijack, but could you link me to some of these videos and tutorials? I'm not too good at searching apparently. Thanks, J
  3. The popper I'm thinking of had black paint under some transparent mylar gift wrap and it resulted in a very interesting iridescent peacock green color. I've yet to see any of this clear mylar gift wrap for sale.
  4. I got a mylar gift wrapped popper in a fly swap back in the days of virtual flybox that looks absolutely fantastic. Where can you find can you find this kinda gift wrap? I haven't seen it in wal mart or hobby lobby. I'd love to stock up during the boxing day sales! Jimbo
  5. retrobass

    Giant popper

    This is a fat hand carved popper I just made to use with the swimbait setup I'm getting for Christmas. It has the ability to do massive diving pops which sound like a toilet flushing and leaves a huge trail of bubbles in its wake. Front hook is a Owner St-66 2/0 and rear is a 1/0 Gamakatsu dressed in white fishair and glow in the dark flashabou.
  6. It appears that my favorite thread I used to make bass bugs with years ago is no longer made. I don't suppose anybody knows of somewhere that still stocks Gudebrod GX2 thread do they? If not, whats the closest comparable thing in strength and flatness/size? Cheers
  7. Here is my first hard bait, a three piece top water plug. Everything went as planned on it, and it swims great (at least with the superglue coated test run I did). The only problem I had was epoxying in the rear hook mount, which was a Spro power swivel size 2, 230 pound test. some epoxy got into the swivel and it won't turn, though I guess that just makes it a rather pricey eyelet. Any tips on keeping this from happening?
  8. If this is the wrong section for posting this please excuse me, I'm still a noob here. I've gotten back into flytying and bait making recently, and just cast a few hundred jigs (pics of those to come). Last night I had an epiphany: A floating buzz bait. If a bass pops it and misses, you have a second chance. I decided to spin deer hair much like a bass popper onto the shank of an old buzz bait and took her out for a test today. It drops super slow, like an inch per second. This makes it possible to do VERY slow retrieves and subsurface buzzing at any level, along with some interesting jumpy/ wake action at higher speeds. It does float on its side, which should hurt the hook up ratio a bit I would think. I decided to make an inline prototype this evening, and after several hours of butchering another buzz bait and spinning I came up with the black beast pictured below. It has enough hair that it may well completely float, though its a solid 10" from stem to stern. Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated. At some point, if this bait turns out to produce, I'll probably buy the components individually and build up some inline buzz/deer hair/popper monsters. Cheers, Jimbo
  9. Hi all, I'm a newb to the forum who has been lurking a bit. I'm wanting to put some of my old fly tying skills and materials to good use by making a few hair jigs. I've ordered this mold http://www.barlowstackle.com/Do-It-Ball-Weedless-Jig-Molds-P253C56.aspx And some mustad hooks for 1/8 and 1/4 jigs. From lurking around on the forms I've gathered that pretty much everybody is using powder paint. Looks like its about 7 bucks a bottle at cabelas, are there cheaper places to get it? Has anybody tried regular rustoleum with a coat of D2T? cheers, Jimbo
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