Those aren't valves in the first couple of pictures. Those are fittings.
Don't over think this stuff people. Drilling the hole 1 or two bit sizes smaller than the tubing and pulling the tubing through the hole provides a leak proof seal and it's easy to do.
On a side note instead of aquarium tubing I use the Clippard Urethane hose. It's TOUGH stuff. My Cockatoo has a hard time chewing on it.
If you find your local Clippard distributor and purchase a needle valve like a MNV-4K2 for flow control ask them if they have any scrap tubing laying around. Most of them will just hand you a short section that's all you need. Be advised though that once you put it on a barbed fitting it's hard to impossible to get off. Clippard sells a single barb fitting that you can, if you know the trick, remove the tubing. A fitting with multiple barbs makes it so you have to cut the tubing off.
These small flow control valves and fittings are right in my hand basket. Sold thousands of them for aquarium use a few years back.
As far as a air source I went with this one.
It will power four 3" cups with no problem.