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Everything posted by LimpNoodle

  1. I've got some really nice ones on eBay. Much cheaper than Do-It.
  2. Each mold is slightly different also. I've got some duplicate molds in my collection. In once case there's an alternative hook that works like a champ in one mold and won't even fit in the other.
  3. I also use Drop Out on my molds. I get some of the collars that didn't pour fully but since I modded the mold it's not a problem.
  4. I just found the best round nosed pliers I've used. The Knipex 19 01 130. I use them to close the tail wire on my tail spinners. You can make a very small loop with these pliers.
  5. I've got the mold and poured a few. Haven't hit the water to test them but I'm going to try a #4 on the smallest and try and get a #5 to work on the 1.5. I'll also have size 4.5 with me. With the original the biggest I could get to work properly was a 3.5.
  6. I need to order another 500 #4 inline blades. I've got seven left from the 500 I ordered last spring. I always use a solid brass bead behind the blade and a glass bead behind that. Hagen's here I come! I also need willow leaf blades for the new herring head underspin mold!
  7. I'll spill the beans. The mod is not hard at all. I got turned on to plumbers putty for modding molds. It doesn't get hard, stays in the mold quite well, even when using those coils. I'll get some pics of the mold tomorrow. Just take a small amount of putty and place it where you don't want lead.
  8. Got my mold today. Already modded it.
  9. I use inline blades on all my tail spinners for white/hybrid/striped bass fishing. They spin very easy, they have a decent flash, great sound and they work. Also they don't tend to make the bait run off line like other blades on a clevis.
  10. It's not made nickel. There's something under that plating. It sounds like there's Quenching steel in oil will harden it...but also make it brittle. It sounds like the connectors you've found are not really suitable for your purpose.
  11. Call RCBS. I'll bet if you ask nicely they will send one for free.
  12. Actually there's another bench right behind that one. Just finished the top. Going to build the shelves this weekend,health permitting. It's going to be my temporary reloading bench for now. I'll soon start framing in a workshop in my metal building. The building is 30' x 60' and is where I keep my boat and truck. Going to frame in a 8' x 24' section for a climate controlled workshop. When it's done I plan on 18' of bench for lure building and 18' for reloading with around 10' of general space workbench.
  13. As long as it fits correctly it shouldn't be a problem.
  14. I actually have a bunch of molds I hardly ever use and really don't have any use for. One of these days I'll get around to thinning the herd.
  15. Here's the bench set up to actually do some work. The other molds are in baskets stacked to the left of the bench. I also need to clear out the area to the left of the pot. That's where I dump the hot stuff. I noticed that the shelves have a bit of droop in them. I'll have to cut some 2x3 braces for the middle of the shelves. I guess a 6' long shelf build with 2x3 and 3/4" plywood can only support so much weight before it begins to deform.
  16. I've got one of the new 2017 releases on order right now. On the fence about another one.
  17. Yep. It will never look that good again. As a matter of fact it doesn't look like that now.
  18. I've built myself a new lure making bench. Now I just need to move all the stuff from the old bench to the new bench. Here's a picture of the bench with all my molds on the shelves. Of course most of them aren't going to stay there as I need room for hooks and such.
  19. There's no way to make the loop smaller on the Twistech. My experience with the Hagen's tool is I can make smaller tighter loops on my Twistech.
  20. With practice on the Twistech you can get almost no gap on there. I don't have any wire that fine though to test. One key with the Twistech is to build the spinner from the bottom up.
  21. Those sinkers listed have a wire through the body. You can just pull the wire out.
  22. Thanks, The web site is still not functioning. I was trying to send some business their way.
  23. Are they still in business? I keep getting an error at their web site. Thanks.
  24. You can't "milk" Social Security. You can mill SSDI, Social Security Disability Insurance. If one is on SSDI then one is assumed to not be able to work or do substantial gainful activity. If someone is spending 8 hours a day painting and pouring lures with the intent to sell them then they are able to to substantial gainful activity. I've been on SSDI for a few years now. Sometimes I can spend time at the bench making lures. Other times, like the last eight weeks you can't do anything like that. It's been since late June since I've even sat at my bench. Major lower back flareup and the depression that goes with chronic pain pretty much put a stop to just about everything. Haven't even been fishing in almost two full months. MAYBE next week I'll feel like either fishing or making some lures.
  25. Dropout is da bomb! I use it on EVERY mold. It makes life much easier.
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