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Everything posted by piratefishing

  1. Thanks for that Jbarlow! I am trying to keep it simple but the hook swings much better when it's eyelet doesn't have any paint on it. I've been just dipping it as simply I can and cleaning off what I need to. It works out alright. I'm sure I'll figure something out soon
  2. I use it and it isn't the best. I used 4 oz of powder in my fluid bed but got volcanoes. If I take some out I think I'll get better results.
  3. All good suggestions. I think I may try the tape and grabbing the top half or the loop. If I cover up the eyelet of the hook by taping part of the wire form it'll help keep the hook I place too. I don't think there is a perfect way but I'll keep trying till I get it the way I want. Thanks everyone!
  4. I'm in eastern NC too. The past 5 days have been cold, cloudy and what I call the "Greenville spritz".
  5. Anybody have tips on painting the football swing jigs? I know some people paint them without the hook on but it just seems like such a pain to bend it out and rebend it on the football head How does everyone paint them with the hook on there? It doesn't look too bad but when curing the wire sits on a portion of the hook eyelet and causes it to be un smooth.
  6. Yes that should work. U could buy just a small amt of powder paint but with your materials that should work.
  7. 120 Do-It molds? 600 pounds of powder paint? Considering you sell you powder paint as well as other lures and jigs and such it doesn't sound insane. Now if you were having that all for yourself...I would starting finding phone numbers in your area for a therapist. Hey at least you can paint heads any color you want at any time and tie skirts any color at any time. I'm not really expecting to save money. If some of my friends pay me a few bucks or trade me something for some jigs thats where it starts making up some of the money I've spent. I'm also helping a buddy who owns a small plastic bait company design some baits since I have a lot of experience with Solidworks. So he can match any color to my jigs and vice versa.
  8. Man you guys have stock piles of skirt tabs. Dang!!
  9. Since I don't have many I bought a storage box from harbor freight. I store my hooks, glue, powders, skirt tabs and other things in it. I don't have a lot of tabs right now so its easy to divide them up. I'll likely put them in baggies and separate them by color tones.
  10. I haven't airbrushed a jig before but I think some people use devcon 2ton as a top coat. As for primer I don't really have a suggestion but I would assume most anything would work.
  11. I have it. It will catch fish. Just not comfortably. The blank is terrible. Once I get a new drop shot/spinning rod it's going to be a hammy down for the girlfriend.
  12. Posting this in wire baits may get a better response
  13. Oh no no no...none taken I understand. I'm going to grab some D2T on Monday at this industrial supply place. Sent you an IM with a question. Been trying to get a few opinions on a subject related to this.
  14. Suggestion well taken. I guess I was wrong on it. It has worked OK but not too impressed. Have only used it for the thread on my jigs. Will have to go grab some D2T and try the real stuff.
  15. As a cheap alternative to Devon 2 ton epoxy. I am using nail polish top coat to seal my thread around my jig collars. Not sure how it works on the jig heads themselves but I am going to find out soon. A lot of people use the nail polish stuff for a multitude of things.
  16. Okay I'll give it a shot. They work pretty well just frustrate me when I dip them into my paint and they fall out. Do you just use them to paint with? Or mold with them as well?
  17. I have just purchased the teflon pins for powder coating and molding. I use them from start to finish (molding and painting) but sometimes when I paint with them they don't seem to want to stay in. They always fall out of the weed guard hole. Is there some trick to making them easier to use?
  18. I have used coffee filters (multiple ones) and cannot seem to prevent the "volcanoes" either. I will stir the powder and it bubbles for awhile but stops shortly thereafter. I cannot seem to get mine to consistently "boil" either. I may try brown paper bags today. Anyone have any other suggestions?
  19. What is the best thing to do with all the powder paint misruns? Just remelt the heads and do it again? Any way to easily remove the powder paint? I was told gasket remover works and currently trying that but it is not going so well. It removes some but makes it sticky and will not get the majority of it off.
  20. Thanks for the suggestions guys. I think I have got a couple things to keep in mind.
  21. I went to one store and they said the manufacturer comes and picks them back up. I tried around my home area but I am thinking I might have a better chance near my university because there are more mom and pop stores.
  22. I been calling around to get some wheel weights to use but no one seems to want to give them out. Am I doing something wrong? Seems like everyone else around here has no problem getting any.
  23. Mechanical engineering major here. Just getting starting making my own stuff.
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