Yea lots of options out there and it totally depends on what you are making and how many. Either way, it seems reading the lure forums every type of topcoat has its fans and detractors, and every method has it's own difficulties.
As jcromerangler said, if you make lots of baits, KBS is probably the way to go, it seems like a great product. For me, making a handful of large muskie lures a year for myself, epoxy is the way to go (cheaper, availability near to me, no storage issues, great finish and strength). Getting a perfect finish with any epoxy can have its difficulties, just do your research and get good at the one you choose. There will always be a learning curve, and that might mean some bad finishes or storage issues or whatever. Just keep at it!
@bobp yea I hear you about the heat, it really speeds up curing time. With a bar top epoxy like Etex, the working time to begin is so long that even heated (slightly), it still gives me at least 10-15 min to brush on, and that is after letting it "rest" after mixing for a few minutes.
Also, I don't mean to get this way for off topic, but this was an interesting article I stumbled across a while back. It is an interesting read, and it was the reason I was primarily against thinning epoxy with chemicals (even though it is totally possible). Also instead of warming the epoxy, they suggest warming the wood.