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  1. ok thanks guys ill try it out...now i just got to find a piece of a rod ha
  2. yea very nice work. sounds like iwata is the way to go...and do the createx paints already come thinned ?
  3. very nice haha looks nice and clean....hope mine looks like that
  4. hmmm haha ok do you think the one above will do ?
  5. ok sweet so the ones with tanks you can build up pressure and turn them off and your airbrush will be good for a few minutes and the ones with out have to be on when ever you are using the brush i assume....
  6. ok so something compatible with other parts and a air compressor withtank
  7. hmmm ill try to build on it and if it looks to funny ill take it off and put a new tip on it
  8. ok sounds life a plan...yea I need to narrow my options and aquant my self to what's out there. thanks guys
  9. what about this compressor its a iwata....im thinking this and iwata brush...what about hoses and tubes ?
  10. yea true but i have had these rods since i started fishing and they mean something to me
  11. oh....nope haha how often do they need sharpening...ill be carving balsa wood and bass wood...i think
  12. ok so a gmc 4610 compressor and a iwata brush ha sounds good....what other componetents do i need like tubes or what?
  13. yea you guys have been a bunch of help...and yes im defintly going to try the compressor before i buy it.....hope is some what quiet
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