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Everything posted by Crankie221

  1. the reason i leave them is to make sure there is no air left in the balsa i had trouble when i just dipped them with the odd air bubble affecting the prop .After i have soaked them I will leave them to dry for the day.i have not problems yet but will keep an eye on them .bob why would you not use balsa for pike
  2. when i make my balsa lures i leave in propionate over night then sand then dip and sand again then dip about eight more times for the finish i will use 4 coats of epoxy etex lite total of 32hrs rotating this takes a lot of time but should ensure the lure is properly sealed .i only do this as a hobby but hope to sell the odd lure to cover some of my cost of materials
  3. Hi thanks for the comments i have decided to make a vid of these in action /catching fish before i try to sell any and see what sort of response i get in the meantime i have a completly new shape with a new action so time to get back to work ?
  4. First a big thank you for all the help i have got since i started making lures at the start of this year .this is the first batch i have been happy with so I have put one on ebay and keeping fingers crossed. thanks again
  5. Crankie221

    lures i hope to sell

    Thanks for the support i have a few more in other colors/designs so i might put them on ebay and see if any sell ? myself and my eight year old son have caught pike to 17lb trout to 9lb and perch to 2lb on this type of lure but in the trout desigh
  6. Crankie221

    lures i hope to sell

    This is a hand carved balsa lure .Slow sinking with a very wide action so slow retrieve and very good for twitching i am hoping to sell them please let me know what you think
  7. help required please i would like to try photo finishing what would be the best\cheapest software for windows 7 i have live photo gallery but i cannot seem to resize or crop photo to required size or remove background
  8. the wood is from the japaneese hiba tree thujopsis dolabrata
  9. Hi all i have purchased two batches of devcon2 ton 30 min from gradys hardware and both are setting slight yellow.The other devcon i purchased from the uk is setting clear ? The problem is its a lot more expensive in the UK.
  10. Hello ben good comment this may be a stupid question but is it possible to melt the trim board and pour into a mould
  11. Thanks for the info on the musky s54 I guess the only reason i said it was only 8 lb is that i have had days when my son and i have caught upto 30 pike in a day on a brown trout 70ml countdown upto 18lb on this tiny lure made of balsa and at the end of the day it had a quite a few teeth marks / scuffs but these lures are not covered in a large amount of epoxy which i had hoped would hold up better Aestheticcaly. As for the balsa i do intend on making a mould of my carved lures and using a more suitable material as a base but at the moment i have no idea what
  12. Thanks for the comments im using balsa and the reason i ask is that eventually i would hope to sell lures and if the pike do that much damage so quickly i dont think it would go down to well with buyers
  13. Thank you for all input lure turned out great this morning.I also ordered some etex going to give it a go
  14. Got 5 pike in 1 hour Biggest only about 8lb and the bait i made with Devcon is looking fiarly hammered teeth marks and hook rash.whats the best topcoat for these toothy critters
  15. I am going to give dimensions of the lure and amout of epoxy i have been using .lure length 90ml x 20 ml x 12ml i use one full 1.0 ml syringe epoxy + One full hardner 3 drops of DA.I do not use the same syringe for the mixtures but i do reuse them i also mix with an end of a spoon in a glass ramakin
  16. Thanks for all the support.I am going to try a thinner coat and update as i go one tonite and and then the final coat the next day
  17. Thanks for the help i am going to try some of the above recommendations and see how i get on .Etex lite has crossed my mind is it any good over foil? would like to buy DN but because i live in ireland shipping is a problem. I am currently trying to find i similar mcu non yellowing product over here but not having much luck
  18. HI thanks for your comment when you say 50/50 i presume you mean the two parts devcon .Just to add when i measure i always use two syringes so i get equal parts.One time i mixed equal parts of devcon with no DA I tried heating till the bubbles left .Quickly started painting but the devcon 30min had started to set and things got real ugly so i did not try again . Another method i tried was to mix for 3 min with a paper clip as to not create bubbles this was perfectly clear and shiny the next day but was not set properly and i could peel it off with my nial. I am going to try coating a few dummy lures because if i ruin any more of the ones i have spent so much time on it will drive me insane.Just to add more pain i thought maybe i had purchased a bad batch of devcon .So from another store ordered a pack of 6- 9 oz bottles gues what every single one of them turned yellow i got my money back but still a pain .The temp in the room is just about 60 maybe its to cold The humidity is 73% Now i am going to build a brick wall and use my head to hurt it ?
  19. Here i go again yes its devcon 2 ton 30 min
  20. Hi bb thanks for the reply i forgot to say yes it is devcon 2 ton and i also have a turner .Because i foil these baits i am also finding it dulls ? I think you may have a point about using to much devcon and i have never let it settle . Thanks
  21. Firt of all hello to every one on tackle underground .Help urgently required ok where do i start . Devcon has been causing major problems first bubbles lots of bubbles so tried heating .This worked to a certain extent cleared a large portion of the lure but some remaining bubbles flowed towards tail end. Also because i carve the gills it ran thin at head and affected overall coating .So tried DA 3 drops to thin devcon still lots of bubbles ? i added more DA- perfect no bubbles. Waited till morning .Devcon was not set it was like rubber .So i purchased a very expensive artist brush 1/4 in 3 drops of DA and hey presto no bubbles but two more problems- a realy dull finish and when tested marks like oil started to develop under devcon slowly appearing. PS i live in ireland so could the temp / humidity be a problem. I will try to post pics if required Any help appreciated
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