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Apdriver last won the day on November 13 2024

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About Apdriver

  • Birthday 01/12/1961

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    Little Rock, AR

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  1. I have used it. It’s been awhile but it tends to soften your baits like softener will. So don’t do both.
  2. When I started building these, I had to bend the top lip of the blades for them to vibrate correctly. Nice looking bladed jigs, though.
  3. Oh my. I am sorry and heartbroken for you. If you need anything like this in the future, I’d be more than happy to help out. Prayers are going out for you and your wife.
  4. For rocky lakes, I prefer the football over other head types. Like 21XDC said however, you will lose a few.
  5. 3 solid colors? Have your recipes? The other thing, how quick you need them?
  6. How many cavities per mold? How many colors?
  7. What are you pouring your lead with? Bottom pour? If so, you might try ladle pouring with a fast pour. Almost like a dump. Sometimes that can help on hard to pour molds and cavities.
  8. Vent would help, I’m sure. Got a pic?
  9. Maybe you can find a different colorant that will work for you. There’s nothing like putting in a bunch of work on a laminate and having it bleed.
  10. Pretty sure you just got their answer.
  11. Here you go Tiderunner. They still have it and emailed me about it this morning. Here’s the link. https://store.do-itmolds.com/search.asp?keyword=91253
  12. No. That’s not the product that I have. I sent them an email asking if the still handle the UV powder. It’s a light yellowish powder and I didn’t find it in their store. When I find out, I’ll reply back.
  13. I have it also. Poured a bunch but my boats down and haven’t fished them either. It pours really well. I don’t think I had one bad cast out of it. The mold is designed to fish a small minnow type bait using Forward Facing Sonar. It will fit completely inside the bait with the only thing exposed is the hook point\bend and the hook eye aft of the nose on the bait. It’s mostly an open water technique.
  14. I’ll take a look at the 7247 and the 114 but I’m not crazy about the Gami prices. I had enough 2831’s left to get me by for now. Luremaking suggested a Mustad 3205 as a replacement but it does have a shorter shank than the 2831’s. Really need that longer shank so thanks for your suggestion.
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