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Everything posted by Apdriver

  1. Hey Chris, I tried finding some of his (Shawn C.) molds on eBay and couldn't. Does he put them on eBay all the time or just periodically? Maybe I was putting in the wrong words while doing a search. Any suggestions?
  2. I have been through this journey and finally found what I needed at Lurepartsonline.com. Just type in spoon blanks in their search tool. What you are looking for they call a casting spoon. Same thing and it is the size and the weight you are looking for, 4 inch or so in 1 to 2 oz. weights. They have several to choose from and I even put glitter tape and fixed it with D2T. Also dressed some up with a treble I put Mylar on with my fly vise. Retail on that bait you see on my Avatar is close to 15 bucks. Won't be paying those prices anymore....Good luck.....
  3. I buy from Columbia Coatings and they have quite a few chrome powder paints. I went to their website and typed in chrome in their search tool and saw over 10 color chromes. I have been satisfied with their paint and service.
  4. BassTackle twinjector is what I use. Serves me well and seems to be popular. Welcome back...
  5. Nova, those are really really NICE!!!!!! Very impressed.... It's amazing how much talent is on the pages of TU.
  6. Oh yeah, forgot to mention, his name is Bubba Robinson.
  7. Bubba don't have no stinkin website. You'll find Bubba is an oldschool businessman. No color chart either( have an idea what you want before you talk to him). He can be reached at 863-967-2148. Fax 863-967-4711.
  8. ^^^^^^^^ Bubba's a great guy with great product. Excellent prices too. I only order my skirt material from Bubba period......You won't be disappointed....
  9. That makes sense Smalljaw. I can see where that would be time consuming.
  10. Thanks Rawjigs. I usually end up with probably 50/50 clean vs closed. I'll try the heated hook trick next time I powder paint before I bake them. That guy must have something he covers his eyes with cause if you look they don't have a speck of paint on them. They sure look clean that way. The fish don't care though!!!
  11. My IPad. Must be a windows based application or something. Apple and Java (I think) don't jive:-(
  12. Huh? No link Gon2long.
  13. What I want to know is how in the #%*€£¥#% is he keeping the eyes so clean when he powder paints them? When I see stuff like that I get disappointed cause mine never look that good! Dang it!
  14. I've ordered from Jim too and have been pleased with the service. Last time I ordered, I think I fat fingered my credit card and Jim called me personally to straighten it out. NOW THAT'S SERVICE. You won't find a better price on Do It molds period....Thanks Jim!!!!!!!
  15. I agree Smalljaw. Depends on depths fished and how slow the bass want the bait moved. I'm fishing rocky lakes not rivers. Depths from a few feet to 30+. 5/16 oz. and 3/8 oz. for me mostly seems about right. Just wondered what others who jig fish a lot of rock were doing. Thanks for the replies.
  16. I fish a lot of chunk rock. I just bought do its football jig mold in hopes it may cut down on my hang ups in the rock. When you say light weight football jig, what weight is light to you for chunk rock?
  17. Now that's some funny stuff right there...
  18. Might try fishingskirts.com. They have quite a bit of barb wire. How many you need?
  19. I don't know what a fat Albert looks like but BassTackle probably has the best selection of two piece molds. Might try looking around on their website. Just add dot com......
  20. Yeah thanks Smalljaw. Nice technique I will be using myself. Thanks again for sharing.
  21. I didn't think about that. I guess instead of epoxying the weed guard, epoxy the screwlock. Thanks snowman I'm gonna give that a try. I even have some that I haven't put weed guards in after powder painting that will work great. Fish a big plastic with them or like the pic shows.....Nice....
  22. Hey, how'd you do that? That's really nice with the EWG and screwlock.
  23. Thanks Smalljaw. I like the screw locks too. I have the do-it stand up jig mold and just ordered the round head shakey mold from Zeiners. That should do the trick for me. I'll be sure and tell him about cutting the coil to make it faster.
  24. No Sir,I was asking if there was a mold like the Arkie Shakey that can be purchased. The customer wanted a 1/16 and a 1/8 ounce. The clip is added after pour and paint. I have never seen these for sale and wondered if they were available.
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