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Everything posted by Griffond

  1. I say if you have a gmail account use Chrome all the way there are so many tools to use with that browser it's silly.
  2. wow I am surprised no one on here had any kinda response at all lol
  3. Hey guys I got a friend that has a new surf rod? Its a Shakspeare combo that came with reel model Alpha model A170C and apparently from the move up to MN the handle went missing and its a brand new reel the spool still has the clear wrap around the mono the reel came with and we tried the manufacturer and they didn't have any replacements I was just wondering if anyone would know where we could get one or if anyone had one laying around they might want to part with. Thanks in advance I can take a pic of it if need be.
  4. Dull bit? or try working your way from a smaller hole to a bigger hole and see if that helps...
  5. Griffond

    3 IMG 0757

    If you search around you'll find a drawing I made of thru wire for lips like this it was a thread sometime last year if I remember correctly. Otherwise look at a Salmo lure for an example. Great looking lures Bob!
  6. Hey Dieter can't you just get your hands on a Abu Garcia Ambassador I mean they've been around forever and they are a solid reel for fishing or a Penn.
  7. Wow you are running allot of Anti virus stuff... just a random thought have you tried shutting all that off opening up FF to the page and see if it works and from there turn them on one at a time to see which one kills the site mostly...
  8. Well from a computer help desk tech... the first thing I notice with firefox is it's blocking all the adds... now is it FF or an extension on ff or your Anti virus software if your running one... secondly just for general troubleshooting do you happen to have a second PC? try doing a fresh install of FF and see what happens... I'd say you could run linux from a jump drive and try ff from that but I don't know your level of computer knowledge... I don't think its an issue with the registry but you could run Eusing Free Registry cleaner (it's safe) just click skip when it asks for a registration... its a bunch of geeks that made an awesome simple registry cleaning tool that is free. It is very odd that IE works and FF doesn't play nice thou...
  9. I never used the popper version either... I've had the normal one stick on pads thou here in minnesota especially on hot dry sunny days with no breeze... the tops of the pads get kinda dry add a wet lure to the top and they can hang up a bit... never anything real bad... (fireline fixes all snags lol) perhaps you could try tweaking the line attachment up a bit... I'm gonna have to buy one now just to see what happens lol
  10. Griffond

    Heddon Vamp

    Thats so funny you say that rob I was thinking the same thing reading this thread... a person running a cnc shop could make some good money selling punch sets for cutting aluminum lips and and what not... (hint hint to cnc shop owners lol)
  11. Griffond

    Heddon Vamp

    yeah I would go the colorado blade route... or perhaps salty might have something like that laying around he has jitterbug type lips perhaps he can make some of the ones your looking for up for ya I don't know.
  12. if you find some at the dollar store let me know which one I have kept my eye on the local ones here in MN and nothing of the sort they did have some nice reflective tape thou for making eyes with.
  13. ok first off I started this thread to ask a simple question and after getting reminded of salty since I haven't looked for large bait bodies in along time I remembered... secondly for both your guys issue with pricing issues on various things I can ask a question thou... granted with soft plastics I don't see the question being to relevant... how hard would it be to offer ruff cut? and what I mean by that is use a simple spook design for example grab the big lathe chisel and cut the general shape out without smoothing it over tapered per say with a rough broom handle nose and the cone like tail but not sanded smooth just rough heck even circle grooves... I only ask because that is the hardest part of all of it... general shape... no mind you I am not saying I am not buying your stuff of current inventory listed I am just asking would rougher cut make it cheaper? The reason I ask this is perhaps another company such as the one mentioned does this I don't know... however if some elbow grease on my part meant saving a couple of bucks for bodies... I'd be game just means I would buy more is my line of thinking anyway.
  14. Yeah looks like Salty's it will be... I was hoping to find some place that had cheaper plastic musky size blanks but they are apparently rare unless your ordered a 1000 at time from china lol
  15. Anyone ever heard of or ordered from here? http://www.pebblelures.com/default.asp they have pretty cheap prices on wood bodies. I was just doing some searching around to see what I could find for cheap unpainted large lure baits (musky size and what not) just to see what I could come up with and this is one of them... the other site I found was Salty's Wood lures but that one for some reason is ringing a bell in my head but I can't place it at the moment. Thanks in advance for any responses... I am just curious if it's a legit site and dealer is what I am after.
  16. Well its either that or something simple like a skewer
  17. sounds silly but if your just prototyping you could just try some JB weld
  18. Griffond

    Heddon Vamp

    If you can't find them make them and if you can't cut them out your self buy bigger smooth colorado spinner blades and use snips or saw dremel what ever to get them how you want them... you wouldn't have to pin it or screw it to the face of the lure you could slot it in I think dieter might have made some of these lures in his videos not sure thou... the only caution I can say is if you use a spinner blade it may rust on you some day... the other option would be to use brass which is easy to cut and can be had at most local hardware stores.
  19. Just to throw my two cents out there.... their is a company that has a youtube channel that uses a 3D scanner to makes baits already I did a really fast search but couldn't find it... they made some really wicked looking baits actually scanning real fish and crawfish and other things of the sort I will look more in the morning and see if I can find them and repost with a link unless someone else beats me to the punch... I think in the next couple of years 3D printers will make buying unpainted baits almost a thing of the past... especially for simple design lures like rattle traps and smooth low curved diver style baits... and to top that all off there are plenty of companys out there working on 3D printers that use things other then plastic. Just think of 3D printer that prints in closed cell foam... or an epoxy type substance or perhaps just simple wood and glue format that is easily sandable... its out there it will just take a small amount of time to get out to everyone.
  20. sounds kinda odd but at the end of the day couldn't you use 1/2" closed cell foam board(pink or blue) and get the same result just a bit easier to cut perhaps... I would say 1/4" but I am not sure where you would even get that... cause really it's density is pretty close to balsa and it's sandable... use it to make duck decoys out of and it holds up to punishment... just a random thought anyway
  21. Griffond

    Steel Joint

    what is that made from?
  22. well if you get them razor sharp that would work for a few cuts anyway... at that point you would need to sharpen them again thou
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