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Everything posted by Ferree

  1. He was a great fisherman! He will be missed!
  2. Start with CarolinaMike he knows everyone like that.
  3. Mike, As always! "You da Man!"
  4. Yeah I would say a green pumpkin with additional red flake and some black flake.
  5. Ferree


    My first laminated frog.
  6. Mike, Great report. We hope and pray your progress continues as quickly as it has!! Kenneth
  7. Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you are better soon! Kenneth
  8. Ferree


    Ron, I have used Bears Baits and Lure Craft. I like Lure Craft the best as it does seem to be a bit more concentrated. I am sure you will get many replys, but I will stick with Lure Craft. Kenneth
  9. Frank, Thanks for the heads up. Just ordered a craw mold. Hope it works good
  10. Ferree

    Picture 2922

    Best I have ever seen! Thanks for sharing! You are amazing!
  11. saggitarius449 hit it right on the head. I shoot a little hotter hold pressure for 5 seconds and fill the sprue a couple of times. Seems to work well.
  12. Just FYI http://r.harborfreight22.com/r2/r4.asp?r=21084_348779&i=Q32175A03H023&utm_source=1004& Harbor freight temp gun is on sale for $30. I love this thing. Cheapest I have found! Shows 39.99 but there is a coupon making it 29.99
  13. Question: I see that most of these recipes are showing drops of color added. Since a big drop and little drop can very drastically does anyone out there use milliliters or cc's in their recipes? I would think using a syringe with these markings would make the colors much more consistent, and once you counted drops per milliliter you could even convert them in these formulas and make it quicker and easier. Any thoughts? Thanks, Kenneth
  14. Question: I see that most of these recipes are showing drops of color added. Since a big drop and little drop can very drastically does anyone out there use milliliters or cc's in their recipes? I would think using a syringe with these markings would make the colors much more consistent, and once you counted drops per milliliter you could even convert them in these formulas and make it quicker and easier. Any thoughts? Thanks, Kenneth
  15. Ferree

    esox blade4

    Awesome looking lures!
  16. It seems a lot more information is needed. I have just started to inject and have noticed some air once in a while, but hotter plastic and a little more consistent pressure took care of it. The other thing we all need to help diagnose is the products you are using. What plastic, injector, colors etc... what are you using to heat and stir the plastic. This is somewhat like forensics where we have to know almost everything to get an ahha moment. Kenneth
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