If it bleeds it will bleed no matter what you do with it unless there is a top secrete process or coated with a cured plastic that can’t be penetrated. Well it also depends what you are pouring it with, it should not show up in black most people know by now what bleeds into what. If you take all your scraps, non-bleeds and bleeders and then pour some baits one solid color, of course the bleeder color will bleed out of whatever color you come up with. Say example only a strawberry bleeder and black non bleeder then the strawberry, redish will eventually come out either in the bag or into separate bait lying next to each other.
I have bleeders that bleed through the bottle and then the bag it is stored in. As far as 2x strength goes it is a selling point and I have a few colors you could call 12x, and it’s a great selling point not a great money making point. Another good example do you want to make single baits that catch fish for a week or sell multiple baits that catch many fish? just my 2 cents while i'm down.
Jeff Smith, M-F Manufacturing Co