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Tag last won the day on August 6 2012

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  1. Tag


    Neither am I haha, no natural trout in KS
  2. I just paint right over the eyes, but after each coat i take a q-tip with some alchohol and just clean it off.
  3. Tag


    Took a crack at a trout pattern
  4. Tag

    Fire Craw

    this is one of my shallow divers, i absolutely love this pattern...and so do the bass
  5. Tag


    This one is for the "high class" bass....
  6. Tag

    Where To Find Rtv?

    Yea, ive seen the 2 part silicone clay stuff and that seems to be all anyone carries. I like the pourable, it seems like ive gotten better molds with it. How do you like the ACC, I have a ton left over from a failed attemp at making my own lips. I use Etex right after I glue my 2 parts together that way it cuts down on my sanding time. Its a bummer when you throw down a base coat only to find sanding marks. I wonder if the ACC would work for that purpose
  7. Does anyone know where to get some RTV silicone. Ive been ordering in but the shipping cost is killing me. I havent seen any at hobby lobby or michaels so i dont know if anyone carries it.
  8. well i used the createx acrylics and just regular stick on name tags. It worked just fine with no peeling. the only thing i made sure of was i didnt put too much pressure on the stickers. i made sure it was heat set real well then when i applied them i used a toothpick and pushed down only on the edges.
  9. painting was the easy part haha. cutting the stencils took a good 4 hours. i used name tags that were sticky, and cut the shapes out. I based it with the tan, put a couple stickers on after heating, did the lighter color, put more stickers on. then covered it with the darker. I was worried that the name tags would peel some of the paint so i was super careful and it turned out good.
  10. Thanks for the info. I made an ACU pattern crank for a friend that was in the 82nd with me for a give away for his business. I had a huge amount of people ask for this so I figured Id make a handful more and sign them, now I know how. oh yea its posted in the gallery tell me what ya think
  11. Tag

    ACU 2

    Used the army stencil letter patter for the back to make it look even more military
  12. Tag

    ACU 1

    I had an buddy that was in the 82nd with me that asked if i could do an acu pattern lure for a give away he is having on his facebook page. This is what i came up with. I put the double A for the eyes....ALL AMERICAN!!!
  13. What do you use with the caligraphy pens, ink or thinned paint. I know some ink will run once you try to clear it.
  14. I actually saw that one at the store yesterday, I almost bought it but had the same idea as you...check around with the more experianced guys first
  15. Tag

    Tenessee Shad

    nope, trans yellow over the foil then the screen. Sprayed trans yellow again only thicker. Mixed rootbeer and very VERY lightly blended over
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