Ok troops! I am ready to go out on the limb and reccommend ACC as a good alternative to the big 3 of topcoats, thise being D2T, etex and DN S81. I would encourage you to try dipping the ACC (provided you have several lures you wish to topcoat at one sitting as this will be a fairly expensive proposition!!) as i feel i get better coverage than with brushing. Brushing is very much viable but it can be a little tricky. As i have previously said, have the lure(s) ready to go on the turner because ACC is fairly thin and will flow for a while after application...again, as a medium for making your own eyes (or fake ice cubes to freak your wife/kids/friends out with!!!) it is absolutely perfect, just know going in that as a topcoat there is a slight learning curve.
P.S. Forgot to mention... No subequent problems with second coats... Not sure what the problem was the first time that happened, but surface contamination was most likely the culprit...