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Everything posted by bluetickhound

  1. For those whose sensibilities I have offended with my "laziness" I offer my sincere and humble apologies... It won't happen again.... Sheesh! For those who we're gracious enough to bear with me as a new guy I offer my sincere appreciation!! I'll try to spend more time using the search function to get answers from here on out... BTH
  2. I ask because the other is highly respected on VN both for his insights on fishing AND his insider knowledge on UT recruiting!! And his killer avatar of his Skeeter boat doesn't hurt either..
  3. I joined yesterday and have been searching the site for answers to some basic questions but muddling through 279 pages isn't really productive and trying the search function hasn't really gotten me what i'm after either so I'm cutting right to the chase... Flame away if need be, I'm claiming "noob rights'!! Question 1: What is the most common or "best" way to seal balsa before laying down a base coat? Question 2: Since most of my baits will be balsa ( 3 inches or less) and i plan to use through-wire, where can one source the apropriate wire? I have seen folks mention using bicycle spokes but that doesn't seem like a viable option for me... Question 3: I have read numerous opinions concerning topcoat epoxies/dips etc and have narrowed it down to D2T and Dick Nite's S83(?). I emailed DN yesterday from the link on the corresponding thread but haven't heard back yet... Is this product still available? Thanks in advance and I'm really looking forward to getting started... I made some templates today and have the balsa ready to cut.. Pictures of my first effort will be coming soon... Try not to chuckle too loudly!! BTH
  4. I'm brand new to TU but I'm an old timer on VolNation. Are you the same Skeeter that posts there?
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