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Everything posted by garthsnooks

  1. thanks a whole lot guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. any good, dependable spin casters in the southeast???
  3. "The barackaclaw"...cause we still don't know what that is...or who he is
  4. clear bags are good. have an office out west, one near memphis
  5. Again, I personally have been proactive outside of this thread. Hope others do the same. Esp. those that live in and close to Maine.
  6. The fire went out days ago on this topic...what was said was said, most moved on. Everyone seems to agree that it's a big issue..some believe it's political, others , not so much. Most will fight this thing as far as it proceeds (whether in prayer,financially, and/or thru supporting opposition to legislation. BTW, I have seen dozens of threads with MUCH MORE fervor and passion (and accusation) than this thread, even by some of us on this thread. Sometimes we don't like, disagree, despise the things in others that we battle or do in ourselves. Just sayin...
  7. http://www.bassmaster.com/tournaments/2013-bassmaster-classic/leaderboard
  8. I hear you, CM...I've said what I've said, you guys have said what you've said, it's all good. It is a political issue to me and yes i believe "God dwells i the affairs of men". The rules of the forum are what they are, as rayburnguy said so it is what it is. Blessings to you all
  9. Thanks, BIGTIME on the new server...flows like a hot knife thru butter!!
  10. Mike, don't get that popcorn out..lol. Guys, i have signed and asked others to do so on another site..and would contribute to the cause, if the legislation gets further down the road. You can't stop the political aspect of this topic (and there is a spiritual component that's underlying the politics)..BECAUSE IT"S POLITICS THAT IS DRIVING THE ISSUE!! that can't be avoided. as far as the religious issue, I get that...guilty as charged. Some people are passionate about different things. Consider that part dropped. Garthsnooks (non-member FDIC)
  11. Ben. read my lips..in this case politics are at the very center of the topic of banning plastics baits via legislation, therefore politics is at the very heart of the matter, regardless of how many posts you've made on this site, that's the truth. This isn't a building tackle building issue..it's about politicians that seemingly want to undo an industry.
  12. AArcher...let me get this straight. We are talking about possible legislation that may effect the very future of many on this forum and you say "this is no place for politics"...whoa, nellie!!! (even though your "Garthsnooks for Prez does have a certain ring to it! But I digress..) I think we see in this nation what happens when a nation forsakes God (our leaders anyway) and falls asleep. We better become more active than we ever have been..and pray that this nation doesn't become prey for our enemies (even more than it has) Garthsnooks, fiercely independent, but also knowing God has made us to be interdependent with each other. Non-member FDIC
  13. Bottom line...does the Spike It/Lureworks paint work effectively???? Not the new product, but the one initially talked about on this thread. Thanks, I'll hang up amd listen
  14. bflp, so you think GOP is behind most of enviro/wacko movement in this nation?? don't know about the Repub guy you referenced, but if he's anything GOP Senator Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) ..he's really a democrat. Maine "Republicans" are very liberal...guess they are too close to Massachusetts. It may be time for a third party...not many Rubio/Ryan type reformers in GOP.
  15. Not just PETA, but it's all the Obamanista dems/libs who want to restore the Earth to the Garden of Eden... wait, they don't believe in the Bible..restore the Earth to the garden of errr, albert "the hutt" gore. these kinds of proposed laws need to be contended with at every turn.
  16. BK, site says anise solidifies at 60 degrees...is that a problem?
  17. google it...believe there's a case in Wisconsin courts this past year. It was Zoom's toad and another of there baits.
  18. Would like some opinions on best medium priced jig hooks (for light/med saltwater use), preferrably black nickel. Not Trokar, Gama, Owner etc, too expensive to mass produce, Thanks
  19. beside anise, shrimp, gartlic et al...what is the base substance(s) used in fishing scents?? Will worm oil work combined with the main components??
  20. Sad, CPA...as someone who has had to overcome a "love of money, greed" (a generational curse in family) I understand greed. I see greed, theft as our not trusting God to bless and prosper us, our ideas, therefore we take 'short cuts'...like stealing dad's baits!!
  21. rather not say which baits were involved...or people, I'm sure it wouldn't profit anyone to reveal identities. "gotta get patents" is very easy to say but is a very expensive proposal if done right...not opposed to it but you have to be REAL CONVINCED that you have a home run bait and money to defend your patent. I was wanting just to have the bait on the market first (at least)...and go from there. lesson learned and I still know there aren't any iron clad guarantees...when there are people and money involved.
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