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Everything posted by garthsnooks

  1. and want to make a production or any other kind of mold or sell a bait to someone...DON"T TELL ANYONE OTHER THAN YOUR WIFE!! wait, err, yeah, you can tell her if you are getting along.... In the last 2 years i have experienced a real eye opening experience. Gave a 2 baits (one a plastic, the other a hard bait) that i was wanting to make to a couple of importers that said knew some people in China that could do it...well, "China" didn't work out (not a lot of money spent about $600 on prototypes)...and I learned something new about world geography, that Memphis,Tennessee and Arkansas are now be part of China, who knew?! As two companies, one in each state have made their version of my baits....one ultra successful!! It's all on me, being trusting, gullible enough to believe my "secrets were safe"..just remember to "trust but verify" as least as much as possible!!! China, or anywhere else can knock your idea off via a cell phone or other ways in short order.
  2. Hubbard, whether they should or should not get a patent isn't the issue...it's the fact they have one. I agree patents are granted that don't make sense...lots of things in Washington don't make sense, but they are the law of the land. I'm surprised Do-It/Caney still has the craw molds on their site...maybe they feel they are in the right and haven't infringed!! Garthsnooks, non-member FDIC!
  3. Thanks Frank...I'll try Spike-It and do my own too.
  4. I use X2 colors from CC...my have to buy the LC or something similar. If anyone has a mixing formula,I'd love to hear it. I'm guessing brown mixed w/ a bit of red
  5. I know colorants are different (i'll adjust for that) but looking for a good rootbeer formula. Thanks in advance. Garth
  6. Don't know who makes them..but it's a good lookin' bait!!
  7. isn't alibab just a search engine for different products?? i.e. everything under the sun?? I wouldn't buy on there under any circumstances. Know too many people that have lost too much money. Maybe getting samples, but that's about it!!
  8. Is it spelled philate...or some other spelling?? googled, saw it seemingly spelled different ways. and someone was speaking of Gulp! (and not too highly) ...they dominate...saltwater at least, like no product I have ever seen....just sayin'...
  9. Not sure, but there was one released at ICAST this year in Orlando that I believe sold for 15k. Not sure if it was the one being discuss
  10. hijack? hardly, just giving the man a compliment as he makes a nice looking bait. I think the original topic was covered in depth.
  11. about 45 minutes nw of Tampa, on coast, well, a mile from it.
  12. I'll say this 152nd. You are a VERY talented guy...those are some good lookin' baits.
  13. I have to say that I've only done business with a few companies that have been as consistent with good products/service as Caney Creek (best ever in shipping)...Jann's comes to mind, Shorty's hooks was always good...sure there are more, just not too many. When u find one (a company), you don't want to see it change, but if they are good...they'll grow, be bought. merge, whatever.
  14. i would buy as many as possiible of the molds that you feel will be key for you in the months and years to come. that is what i did, am doing. You can't shoot but so many...but say..15 or 20 8-10 cavity molds of the key items can make a lot of baits for a long time, that's just an example..
  15. As to what's been posted about this...It looks Jason has basically sold his business to Do-It (the terms of the agreement are totally the business of the two parties) and he will get to fish more than he has in a long time, lol. Even if he has a % of the business, Do-It is now the lead dog. BTW, who are the owners of Do-It?? how long have they owned it. I'll bet prices go up (just my opinion)...you just can't operate a company w/employees paying SS,withholding, benefits et al as cheaply as Jason did with his family...and I bet that the rewards program at CC will vanish (just my opinion also) at Do-It, and it is their right to abolish it (Jason kinda touched on that in a Q & A on CC forum) That I will miss, if it goes...as it is a great perk to buying molds...and caney has some good molds
  16. I don't think anyone is judging anyone on this topic..quite the opposite. People are entitled to their opinions. Time will tell if it was a good merger, buyout, combo of both or whatever it is. No one (to my knowledge) if wanting anyone to fail. I will say that I haven't seen a company that has taken a quantum leap in size and production, that didn't have quality control issues, customer service service issues (i.e. you don't have the same access, or fellowship u usually do in a church of 5000 that you do u do in a church of 50) in growing. As Gamiel said in the book of Acts.."if it's God, you won't be able to stop it and if it isn't of God, it'll come to nothing" ..it applies to a lot of things!!!
  17. the way it reads is day to day operations moved to Do-It in Iowa, Jason says he's still doing mold development, protos. Hope it works for all involved. I think I will merge with Berkley. I am prepared to move my inventory (few hundred bags of plastics) to their warehouse immediately for the right amount of geet and a few thousand bags of Gulp! shrimp. Who knows, maybe they perceive me as a "long range threat" ........developing......
  18. Mike is correct, samples would be the best, if you can get them.
  19. Calhoun (or LC) will do the job...I love Caney Creek's plastisol, no smoke, reheats great, but I believe it's $175 for 5 gallon... If you are pouring just for yourself, might try CC's if price isn't factor...if you are seriously manufacturing, I'd buy Calhoun or LC in a 55 gal.drum...or if not pouring a lot, maybe buy 5 gallon of Calhoun from Bear.
  20. I have used it...it's an ok product. Smokes quite a bit, but satisfied, for the price, Some say Calhoun med. is soft for a med blend. Some of the other guys on here use LC and some other brands,...maybe they've used both and can give you greater insight.
  21. crabby, is it the same bag, same mil?? that would be interesting if Bear was cheaper than Clear. I buy Clear out of Memphis area facility...good service, good product, good price so far.
  22. Does the 350 degree heat used in heating plastisol negate the scent?? seems to me it would...and that a topical application would be more effective..and a lot more messy!! That's just my opinion, Does anyone now the answer??
  23. Guys. ever heard of gatorboard?? Google it, i believe it's used in making baits. Not cheap!
  24. Caney Creek Molds have excellent injectors,believe they have a couple sizes..4 oz and 9.5 oz.
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