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  1. Wow man that is absolutely amazing! Nice work. Simple question (BRAND NEW TO THIS) is that just regualr PVC pipe that you would get at like a Home Depot or Lowe's?
  2. OK. Thanks Ben and Gino, and once again everybody who chimed in before. You guys have helped me out immensely!!!
  3. OK thank you. I've been doing some research and i'm sure that i'll pick up a lot. I appreciate it a bunch!
  4. awesome thanks guys for the info and the warm welcome Karl. Karl, done and done! I will buy the helping hands and the nylon bristle set shortly, as much as i've spent already, what's a few more bucks? Ron that certainly gives me something to follow, I'm gonna try it with this solution that I bought from HD that the guy said should work for this (wagner cleaner lube), then probably go buy nail polish next time i'm out anyway... G, I will do that next time with the back flush in the tub. Does that just mean the tip of the air brush is underwater and so is a little bit of the paint cup so it kind of just shoots it back into the tub? and is it just water, or soap too, or some sort of paint cleaner? also, how do u back flush anyway? just put your finger over the nozzle tip? Also, I dont mean to bombard the forum but i just keep thinking of questions. Do you have to wait for the paint to dry in between each color? Thanks again!
  5. Hi everybody let me introduce myself. My name is Kyle and I've fished my whole life but never made a single lure. Then about 3 weeks ago i found Bear's and started pouring some soft plastics. Needless to say I was hooked which is what led me here. I think this stuff is awesome and even though I am BRAND new at it, I already love it. And the way that everybody is so willing to help others figure it out is just amazing to me. I really wish I would have known about this stuff (lure making and the forums) years ago, but anyway, here i am. So today i made my first crankbait. from scratch outta wood. carved it sanded it, put in lip and screw eyes with epoxy, no rattles, just keeping it simple since it's my first try. i just wanted something respectable. The thing came out pretty damn good considering I never worked with wood, or to be honest, really any tools my whole life. Well, it looked pretty damn good, until I got to the airbrush that is... what I did with the airbrush, well... I can't really even describe it, it was so bad. I need help!!! I think it came from 3 main reasons: 1.) lack of skill, which i'm not worried about, i'll develop over time. i've always been good at art. 2.) i didn't have anything to hold the lure up, like the aligator clip stand things i see people on videos using, so i'll have to order some of those. I was holding it up with pliers (i know haha) and it just caused a mess. 3.) This was by far the worst, I had no idea how to properly clean the airbursh while using it, and it's still not clean as I am waiting for advice. I had some cleaning solution that I was trying to follow the directions on, and it had me running from room to room to find a sink, grab a cup and paper towels, it was just frantic. 4.) do i need some sort of lacquer before painitng or will just the white base do? I'm using a paasche VLS double action airbrush, paasche DSR500 compressor w filter, trap, and gauge, and createx paint. Needless to say it's not the tools fault, obviously, it's mine. Any help you guys can give me to get started would be greatly appreciated, especially when it comes to cleaning the airbrush efficiently during changing colors (set-up is not in room with sink). I also don't thing I waited long enough for the paint to dry and it just clogged up. I pretty much did everything wrong! I say this laughing at myself, so don't worry, i know I sound down but I'm not discouraged, just can't believe i did such a bad job. Thanks in advance for the help!!! you can count on me being back with more questions about wood and plastic cranks... I will prevail! (with your help of course.) -Kyle
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