Hey everybody time to put my two cents in!
1. I take Devcon 2ton or Etex Lite, then thin it out with denatured alcohol lightly brush over it and put it on a lure turner for 24-48hrs.
2. Lightly sand the lures to a matte finish
3. I take quart of Kilz Original oil based primer and thin it with mineral spirits. I poured out approximately 1/4 out and poured in the mineral spirits. Mix very well.
4. Dip the newly sanded lures into the Kilz and hang vertically (nose up) for 24 hours. It will be completely dry, have a very nice matte finish, be bright white and it takes acrylic paint very well.
5. Paint with acrylic and sign your lure.
6. Seal with the same type of base coat.