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Everything posted by stretcher66

  1. different style bill on the norman
  2. have you contacted badger themselves for any suggestions?
  3. im in there alot myself. should own stock in it as much as i have spent there over the years haha
  4. you can always run over to tackle warehouse to check out some eye sizes if you need to reference some to order. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Fishing_Lure_Eyes/catpage-FSHLUREYES.html
  5. ya you could put a few lures to dry on that one dave haha
  6. sounds awesome. I used to live across the bridge from you, over in Counsil Bluffs. Liked it back there but it was just a 6 month stay unfortunatly. I never was able to do any fishing while i was there, but loved having basspro shops near the house. Good luck in minnesota.
  7. Great idea, You should start it off by showing us your pics of your baits that have been chewed up....
  8. i use a disco ball motor. and it is inexpensive and works great http://www.ebay.com/itm/American-DJ-M-AC8-5RPM-AC-Mirror-Ball-Motor-/132058675807
  9. have you tried watching any youtube videos on how to dial it in? or gone to lowrances site and checked out their video library for tips on setting it up?
  10. ahhhh didnt know your location. great work of making waht you have work for you...
  11. nice job, there is a tool out there already that uses jigsaw blades for a scroll saw. http://www.homedepot.com/p/Rockwell-Blade-Runner-X2-Portable-Tabletop-Saw-RK7323/205611390
  12. for a thin foil that is very bright , look up bird tape or Deterrent Flash Tape. comes in different colors also. thin but durable
  13. they do but its the laquer based paint for shooting onto the lexan r/c car bodies. or thats all they had last time i was in there. its been over a year since i was there and they had just started carrying iwata airbrushes and some parts for them. they may carry some other paints now. i use some of the golden brand from michaels if i run out of createx or the other paints i use. golden is good paint but kinda pricey at michaels unless you use one of their 1/2 off coupons. and they also carry some waterbase airbrush paints back by the airbrush section. at least the one in paso does. there are a couple hobby places in slo that carry good airbrush paint as well. i will get the names of the places for you.
  14. i believe you can get the BSI at hobby headquarters here in atascadero. i am pretty sure i saw it in there. or you could probably just stop in at BSI , they are located on morro road right behind the shell gas station at morro and curbaril.
  15. San Luis huh? whats up neighbor..... you fish Lopez and Margarita often? Devcon or BSI (Bob Smith) is made here in atascadero. both work great if you have a turner
  16. check in the member submitted tutorials, i believe there are a couple of tutorials on the subject
  17. i am thinking a old component stereo cabinet would work great, with the glass door that is held by a magnet,, just pull the shelves out of it.
  18. use this link for 15% off your next kbs purchase http://go.referralcandy.com/share/4SWKPLB
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLcx4duMH9M take a look at the lure turner in this video . very nice
  20. http://www.autoaircolors.com/paints/4412.html autoair has colr shift paints as does some of the taxidermy paint suppliers. do some searches for flair paint, color shifting and chameleon airbrush paints
  21. closed loop and split rings using split ring pliers http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Texas_Tackle_Executive_Split_Ring_Pliers/descpage-TTEP.html
  22. here is something i found for you Problem: I have a suction type airbrush and am not getting paint out of the nozzle…I use the bottles that came with the brush…I am getting air, just no paint. Solution: Check to make sure the vent hole in the lid is open, also make sure the pickup tube is not clogged or sitting flat on the bottom of the jar. Remove the lid and attach it back to the airbrush, stick the suction tube in a container of water and see if it sprays water. If it does then either the vent hole is plugged or the tube is sitting on the bottom of the jar. If it wont spray water, check the tube for a blockage, or the inlet for the tube into the bottom of the airbrush. Once these are clean you should be able to spray with ease. Also make sure your needle is sliding back and forth and not slipping in the needle lock nut. Problem: No paint is coming out of my airbrush, I have gravity and bottom feed airbrush gun and I also notice bubbles in my bottle and cup. Solution: Check Fluid nozzle, needle or nozzle cap. When any of these are clog you will get back feed back into cup or bottle. found these here http://howtoairbrush.com/airbrush-problems-and-solutions/
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