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Everything posted by stretcher66

  1. check the member submitted tutorial section for your lure turner. they are quite simple to make and inexpensive. i used a $10 disco ball motor and some all-thread mounted on 2x4's and it works great. i have not really used it much since going to solarez , but works great for D2T .
  2. a good place to maybe find info on that type of paint would be some RC car forums. most of those guys i believe use enamal paints for their RC car bodies.
  3. can you pre-heat the aluminum so it give more pour time?
  4. here is some info on the rp-40 http://360tuna.com/threads/siliicone-rubber-molds.23148/
  5. this guy says he makes custom stencils with a stencil machine. scroll to bottom of page for details http://www.ebay.com/itm/Custom-Lucky-Cast-Stencil-Clear-PETG-RC-1-5-Shellcracker-/391649695510?hash=item5b30241716:g:KYkAAOSwLVZVkzGc
  6. they sale it in a craw pattern already ... but if you have a vacuum former for stencils Lure me in custom baits has a great tutorial on making the craw pattern stencil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwkRmVnW15I
  7. ya i read where soaking them in rit dye for a few days is the ticket to coloring them
  8. there are actually quite a few options of powder to try, there are transparents as well if you want to get real creative. check out prismatic powders and powder by the pound... and there are others as well.
  9. i know strike king had some a few years back, but probably discontinued it. But this is a tackle building forum so I think making our own should probably be a good topic. I know alot of people think as pork for colder water, but i have always used real pork year round. If you can find the ones that float it always seemed better to me. it was a 50/50 chance for floaters with uncle josh. But if you have any old pork left, add a few drops of glycerin to the jar and maybe a little anise oil. that should keep them fresh.
  10. or possibly check out the hammer tone powders.
  11. are those reflections in the one on the left? or is it a marble like finish?
  12. unless the paint is chipped, i will just hit it with some light sandpaper and paint right over the existing paint. if i do strip it i just soak it in brake fluid, checking it often so that the plastic does not soften up.
  13. or baking soda, or some type of soda media...
  14. sounds like there is going to be some mad spouses. Who knows what will happen when her war paint comes up missing.....
  15. This is the best I have seen yet outside of sending your lures to the chrome shop.... https://youtu.be/Mfr3_jupLVo
  16. click on this link and you will see some that have small individual holo scales added to them https://www.google.com/search?q=fingernail+press+on+polish+fish+scales&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjgsM2C8eLQAhUP7WMKHUctDAUQ_AUICSgC&biw=1745&bih=984
  17. for that size jig you may want to consider using the powder coating airbrush that is offered through a few of the tackle suppliers
  18. possibly check with a local college. they may have courses on blueprinting and the students might be able to get you hooked up with the blueprinting.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6oGhMGwDT4
  20. i personally use the plastic from gallon milk jugs or from plastic water containers , the kind you sit on your counter. they are nice and square. how about a piece of large heat shrink tubing for the reel seat? that would mold to it and you could just make a slice down the back to remove it.
  21. i don't see anything wrong with your lures at all. I thought they were very fine looking lures with a great topcoat on them. I would fish those lures anytime.
  22. one other thing i was thinking about is , why are you cutting your scales into the plastic stencil? i would think if you cut scales into the plastic that it would fall apart when heated.
  23. i still dont think that would work, unless you had a perfect pattern cut that will compensate for the plastic forming to the lure and a way of holding the stencil and sacrificial piece to heat them and to lay your stencil perfect on the lure once heated.
  24. i am not sure if a soda blaster would take it off, i know the sand blasting will but am not sure if it would weaken the hooks without being taped off first. a soda blaster might be less abrasive on hooks.
  25. i dont think it was the same guy who painted the one you showed and the one in the link i posted. the one in the link is done by Sugar Hill Baits i looked at their baits on facebook but did not see the one you posted. It was probably posted on pinterest.
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